Chapter 22 - Stairway to Heaven

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Aurora couldn't believe her eyes.

Right there, standing on those steps, was Gadget the Wolf.

He held his arms out for a hug.

"Heh, I missed ya, Rory!"

Tears filled Aurora's eyes as she ran up the stairs to him.


They embraced each other when they were close enough.

"I missed you so much, Gadget!" exclaimed Aurora as she squeezed him tighter.

Gadget let out an "oof" before laughing again.

When they finally let go of each other, Aurora started to think.

"Wait," she said, "How are you here? And, where am I?"

"Well, that's kinda what I'm here to tell you..." said Gadget, sitting on one of the stairs, "Here, take a seat."

Aurora sat next to him, wondering what was going on.

"So, basically, the thing is..."

"I'm dead?" interrupted Aurora, "I know, it was kind of obvious..."

"Well, yes, but also no," Gadget continued, "You see, you're basically in between the realms of life and death. This is the place where you get to choose wheather you want to live or die."

"Oh, I see..."

Aurora was somewhat conflicted with her decision.

She wanted to stay with Gadget, but she still needed to help Sonic and the resistance.

"I get it, Rory," said Gadget, "It's tough when you have to think about the consequences of both."

Aurora nodded.

"I personally think you should go back," Gadget stated, "but really, it's your decision."

Aurora thought back to what Shadow said when they first spoke to each other.

"Hey, Gadget?" she began, "What are your wishes?"


Gadget was confused by this at first, but then he got the memo.

"Oh! You mean you're asking about what I want you to do if you choose to live?"

Aurora nodded.

"Well," he began, "for one thing, I want you to be happy!"

Aurora smiled at this, knowing that it was an obvious answer.

But then Gadget's smile turned serious.

"Actually, there is one thing..."

Aurora perked up.

"I want you to save Infinite."



Save... Infinite?

"But," Aurora said, "he killed you!"

Gadget let out a sigh.

"I never told you about us, did I?"

Okay, Aurora's even more confused now.

"Listen," he said, "Infinite used to be my friend named Zero the Jackel. He was a lot like you, except he was way more quiet and reserved. He had no family so I took him in. We lived together for about 3 months, until..."

He trailed off.

"...until about 7 or 8 months ago. He was told by Eggman that he would bring back his family if he joined his empire. I tried to stop him by telling Zero that Eggman was lying, but he refused to believe me. He cut all ties with me and I hadn't seen him since, until about a month ago..."

He paused again.

"That moment when he shot me, I saw something in his eyes. Somehow, one way or another, I could see the pain and fear right through that mask of his."

He put a hand on Aurora's shoulder.

"Maybe, just maybe, if the right person reached out to him, he can be saved!"

Gadget took Aurora's hand.

"And I think that person... is you!"


Aurora couldn't believe it.

Gadget thinks she could save Infinite?

"I-I don't know if I can..."

"Well, you want to fulfill my final requests, right?" asked Gadget.


"Then go save him for me!"

Aurora thought about it for a moment, then she smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I will!"

"Atta girl!" Gadget exclaimed, "Now get back out there and help the resistance!"

Aurora hugged Gadget one last time, and she ran toward the light.

"Don't forget about my wish, okay?" Gadget yelled out as she ran.

"I won't!"

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