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What do you think of the jungle? A place filled with greenery, or filled with animals of all shapes and sizes? A... mostly... peaceful place? Well think about it, long and hard. You would be correct about all of that, for the past at least.

I remember an era where nobody had to live in fear of the name Yharim, one where nobody was forced into an army they would most certainly not survive in if they were forced into battle against one of the several beasts that roam the land. Forced under the tyrant's rule... ah the golden days... However, I remember the day everything went into flames... both literally and figuratively. It was the day of our festival, as I was getting ready to greet my family outside. While I was rushing around the house that day, I noticed it was unusually hot. Not thinking much of it, as with all the running around I figured I would be tired, I walked out to be met with nothing but pure pain. People were being torn apart, burned alive, so much more... the grass was painted in blood, if it already hadn't been burned to a char.

In a panic, as I heard screams all over the place, I was trying to find my family in hopes of us being able to leave before we fell victim ourselves. My eyes finally laid upon them... dead not too far off. I ran over, hoping by some miracle they were alive, but like so many around me they were lifeless in the grass. With the realization of having nothing left to lose, I grabbed my father's sword from his corpse and decided to walk around, avoiding flames and other people running for their lives.

There was... a woman I saw, who was draped in red and golden robes as blasts of brimstone magic shot out of her palms. I knew she was alongside the jungle dragon, that was burning everything, and the tyrant himself as she herself was burning anybody out of existence that crossed her own path. I don't know what she saw in me, but to her I appeared different. Perhaps it was the fact I was carrying a sword, or maybe she knew I had nothing left to go back to, or she might have just seen me as a plaything to her. If there was one thing, we both knew, it would be that we knew I would stand no chance.

To my surprise, as she could've just blasted me to the realm my family headed with her magic, she drew a sword as well. It wasn't all that huge, but it pulsed with a power that sent a shiver down my spine, despite her not having done anything yet. It appeared to be radiating a soft red glow as she held it.

The battle itself ended before it even started, as she dashed towards me at such a speed, I couldn't even react too her even if I tried. Swiftly, she stabbed me with the said sword, leaving both of us with the wonder of when I would die. However, as I am telling this story, I hadn't. What happened next was a blur, as I started to fade in and out of consciousness, but all I know is I was whisked away from the place on the back of a family pet of ours. A bumbledodge we named Bup, for reasons I don't remember.

That was the last day I ever saw anything relating to my home, including Bup as well. We landed far away from there in a forest that seemed relatively safe. I was laid down in the grass, with the sword still within me, as a man approached me. He had a ginger-brown head of hair and some dark brown eyes. He carried a bow with him with his attire being a simple olive-green shirt and ashy blue pants. To my luck with all of this, he decided to take me in and help me heal.

The next time I would wake up in this new home, a week would have passed. I found out that the man that took me in was named Ryan, and to my fortune he was willing to let me stay with him. It's still crazy to think that my entire life could be changed in just mere minutes, on a day were nobody expected the worse to happen... and more so, I didn't realize that I might have been the last survivor of the wildfire attack.

Five years have passed since that day... all while I was sixteen. I do not dare to wish to explore the newly crafted world of Yharim, as I do know I might run into something horrific like the three I "met" that day, or maybe I would even run into them again.

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