grian has a nest

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authors note: this is not beta so i implore you to inform of any mistakes
no tws (i think)


Grian had a problem. Because he was an avian he needed a proper nest to sleep in, it had to be comfortable, and it had to smell right. In previous seasons of Hermitcraft, he was able to steal small things from the other Hermits without anyone noticing so that he could get the smell right, but it appeared his luck had run out. Currently, Grian was face to face with a very confused Mumbo Jumbo.

"Grian?" Mumbo asked, voice full of confusion and his head cocked slightly to the side.

"Mumbo- I- swear it's not what it looks like!" Realistically, grian knew that the other members of Hermitcraft wouldn't mind some of his more, bird-like, tendencies. They already knew he was an avian, and it was likely no one would even be surprised, but that didn't stop Grian from worrying. He had done his best to resist eating the seed right out of his friend's hands, and from chirping when he was excited. Logically, there was no reason to hide his hybrid traits; but grian never had been one for logic had he?

"Are you sure? Because it looks like you're making a circle of all the hermit's stuff." Mumbo didn't sound angry, just confused and slightly concerned for his friend.

"I, well, kind of, but it's more than that! I swear I have a real Reason!" Grian said in a rush, panic rising,

"Well then, you better share that reason before I have to call everyone to retrieve their missing items."

"Ok, ok. So you know how I'm an avian?"


"Part of that includes, you know, making, nests." Grian awaited the yelling, the name allying, being told he was a freak, but it never came.

"Oh." Mumbo said,

"O-oh?" Grian managed to stutter out, his nerves on fire and his lungs working overtime.

"Gri? Are you ok?" Mumbo Asked, softly resting his hands on Grian's upper arms.


"You're crying."

"Oh." Grian hadn't even noticed the salty tears running down his cheeks.

"I'm not mad that you have a nest, and I can guarantee no one else will either.

"But- but what if they think there's something wrong with me?"

"Then they'll be answering to me," Mumbo said simply, as if it were just a fact that meant nothing. And Grian just threw himself into Mumbo, holding him tight and sobbing into the taller man's chest. "If I ever meet the people who made you think being yourself was something to be shamed of, we're gonna have Words." Grian let out a horse laugh, quiet from the crying he'd been doing.

"As much as I'd love you to see beat up a bunch of my former high school classmates you probably come out with more people against you than you could handle."

"Anyways, are you ok? You seemed really freaked for a minute there and I don't wanna leave you alone of your not doing alright." Grian wanted to say yes. He wanted to say he was fine and tell Mumbo to go home, but he wasn't, and it wasn't likely that he could fool his best friend. So instead, he did something new: he told the truth.

"Not- Not really. I've kept almost all my Hybrid traits hidden for years and having someone know is scary."

"I understand, and I promise I won't tell anyone else about this unless you want me to."

"thank you." Grian whispered, so quiet it could have been the wind, and Mumbo finally moves away from the hug, exiting the nest, "Stay, please."

Mumbo let out a small chuckle, "I'm not leaving mate, I'm just getting a change of clothes." And Grian simply nodded, accepting the answer.

Grian had been so carried away worrying about someone finding out his secret that he'd forgotten how great his friends were, not one of them would ever be mad for something as silly as a nest. Maybe, just maybe, he could tell someone. Maybe one day, he wouldn't have to hide anything. But today he was focused on the hot chocolate Mumbo had brought with him back to Grian's nest, and the two just sat together, sipping the hot cocoa and talking as they slowly drifted off to sleep, basking in the lightness that came with the secret they now shared.
Even with the new knowledge, something was itching at the back of Mumbo's mind, what other traits had grian hidden? how many things had he kept locked away in fear? Mumbo didn't know. So he asked,


"Yes?" He replied slightly puffed wings betraying his nerves,

"What other avian traits do you have?" Well, that's not the question Grian was expecting, and his face must have shown this as his friend scrambled to say more "Of course, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to! I was just curious and you know you're right here, but that was probably too personal of a question, and oh goodness I'm rambling aren't I-"

"Mumbo." Gran interrupted, "The question didn't make me uncomfortable I just wasn't expecting it., But to actually answer, there are quite a few. I can't eat too much chocolate, and I from time to time snack on birdseed, the list goes on." Grian doesn't know why he's admitting to all this, not a sole had any knowledge of any of his hybrid traits for years. However, he'd known Mumbo for a very long time. They'd met just after high school, before being shortly separated during Evo. And ever since then they'd been practically attached at the hip. Grian could trust Mumbo. He was sure of it.

"Thank you."


"Thank you for telling me, judging by how you hid your nest this isn't exactly the kind of stuff you tell just anyone, so thank you." And that was that. Mumbo simply moved on to talking about his latest Redstone project, and Grian tried his best to understand what the taller was talking about. That night the two could be found splayed across Grian's makeshift nest, sleeping peacefully.


1005 words
i am a big fan of avian grian, so many of these will have bird characteristics

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