Part 1

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 Nico pov

I was home alone chilling on the couch watching Netflix when ..... *pling* "why'd i get a text from Ace this late?" 

Ace: hey sup 

Me: hi watching sumn why?

Ace: jus wondering if u wanna hang tmrw?

Me: uhhh yeah sure but like what do you have in mind? Like yk what we're gunna do.

Ace: yh the movies. I'll pay.

Me: alr great

Ace: dope, pick ya up at 8 tmrw

Me: sure

Oh he wanted to hang out just the two of us... WAIT I GOT A DATE WITH Ace. I quickly called my two bfs and when  they answered i screamed "QUICK HELP ME FIND A FIT FOR TOMORROW" Vanessa looked at me confused through FaceTime. "Why whats up with tomorrow" Andrea asks confused. Their jaws dropped as i told them. "ACE is up" the girls gasped "omg did he finally ask u on a date" Vanessa asked. "YES and idk what to wear" i answered panicked. "Dw bro i gotcu" Vanessa said as me and Andrea looked at her confused. "I'll come to your in a bit to help you" she said proudly with the fact she has the best style in the group. "seriously!?" I ask feeling blessed. "Yes" "Hey wait pick me up i wanna come too" Andrea joined in. "Sure be ready in ten im omw" she said. "Alr bitches see ya" 

We all hung up with a bye and about 30mins later the arrived. The helped my find an outfit for tomorrow and i thanked them as they left the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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