Chapter One

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Chapter One

I put my hand to my head, wondering what had awoken me when I clearly wasn't ready for consciousness.

The knocking came again, more like a pounding really, urgent and persistent, and I knew I would never get back to sleep until I did something to stop it.

As I swung my legs out of bed, someone groaned beside me and I turned to see my bedfellow throw his arm over his eyes.

Tom... I couldn't remember his last name but maybe once the pounding stopped, I would remember. Despite not being traditionally handsome or buff, I could remember how sexy he was, and how giddy with desire he made me feel and I vividly remember screaming his name quite a few times last night.

Maybe this was our neighbours complaining about our rather vocal love making.

I also recalled how much he'd made me laugh, which given the circumstances, was highly unexpected.

I took two faltering steps towards the door before I realised I was stark naked.

There wasn't much light, just what little daylight filtered through the not quite drawn curtains, so I picked up the closest item of clothing I saw. It was a shirt of some description and I pulled it on, looking around for something to cover my lower half.

The knocking was distracting me from my task though.

"Coming!" I yelled, hoping that whoever was knocking would cease for a moment, giving me a chance to at least think clearly but the thumping never ceased, so I abandoned my hunt for trousers and went to the door, reasoning that if whoever was out there got an eyeful, it was their own fault.

I yanked the door open, levelling a glare at the man who was knocking.

"What the bloody hell do you want?"

"Where is he?" the man asked. He was quite good looking, smart yet casually dressed, with a slightly preppy look. He was also English, like Tom and I. Perhaps I had somehow stumbled upon an English expat convention.

"Who?" I demanded.

The man looked behind me and evidently seeing his target, he pushed the door wide and stormed in.

"No, please, do come in, it's not like we were sleeping or anything."

The stranger ignored my sarcasm and headed to the bed, wrenching Tom's arm from over his face and glaring at him.

"What the hell do you think you're playing at?" he demanded.

"It's too early for this, Luke," Tom grumbled.

I closed the door and began hunting for my handbag; it didn't look like I'd be getting back to sleep any time soon and I knew I had some painkillers in there.

"Too early!" the stranger, possibly called Luke, screeched. "What the fuck were you thinking?!"

"Language, Timothy!" I chided. It was a rebuke from a sitcom that my Mum often teased me with when I swore.

Luke ignored me.

I felt like telling him to chill the fuck out, but I really didn't want his screech to be aimed in my direction (I was pretty sure that he was loud enough to disturb the local bats). I managed to find my pants and bra among the debris on the floor, but the rest of my clothes and my handbag were proving elusive.

Tom sat up and rubbed his eyes as he yawned, and I was once again struck by how handsome he was, even first thing in the morning, while I probably looked as though I'd been dragged backwards through a hedge. Life could be so unfair sometimes.

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