Bar Bits and Collage Dropouts

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Jeff's POV

"Oh my god mom, you'll never believe it!" I yelled all the way from the living room. "What?" she yelled back. Our family had become so lazy ever since we moved into this house. I walked into the kitchen, and my mom had been making her signature meatloaf . "Jack dropped out of collage" I told her. "Oh my god his parents must be disappointed I swear if you ever drop out I'm going to kill you" she said. "Yeah he's wondering if he could stay here" I said. "Oh hell no!" she screamed. "Please mom Jack's a close friend of the family!"I whined. "Jeffery James Woods I said no and No mean out of your life and out of the question!" she screamed. "Please mom can you at least think about it?" I begged. "Fine" she said. "but I don't want to here another word about it".

Jack's POV

I was just leaving collage after my fraternity kicked me out I realized I had nothing else to live for in my collage career so I dropped out. I quit I give up! I was half way to my hometown when I realized I had someone to turn to my best friend Jeff. I called him hoping he would pick up and with my luck he did. "Hey Jeff hows a going?" I asked. "I'm doing great and you?" he asked replying to my question."Not so great I could tell you that" I said. "Why what happened?" Jeff asked. "I dropped out" I said. "What? Why?" he asked.  "Too many rules and I couldn't keep up" said even though I was lying. "Yeah right you probably got drunk and got kicked out" Jeff said. "Damn skippy!" I said. "What are your parents going to think?" he asked. You see that's the problem" I said. "What do you mean?" Jeff asked. "They don't know" I told him. "If they don't know where are you going to go?" he asked. "Well that's where you come in I was wondering if I could stay with you?" I asked. "I'll ask but I can't guarantee that my mom will be 100% on board" Jeff said. "Okay I'll let you go bai" I said. "Bai" he said hanging up. I was worried if Jeff turns me down I'll have no where else to go. My parents will hate me if I come back and the rest of my family doesn't give a rats ass about me. It was all up to fate now.

Jeff's POV

Jack got here around six thirty, I was glad to see him no doubt but I didn't know what to tell him my mom didn't give me an exact answer. We spent the remaining time before dinner catching up. Jack  had changed a lot since he went off to collage not that long ago. Pretty soon my mom called us down for dinner. As we walked down the hallway and down the stairs Jack made a comment about my brother Liu. He hasn't changed a bit. Dinner was delicious Jack and I continued to catch up on old times during dinner. Until my mom brought up the fact that Jack was in collage. "So how was collage?" she asked foolishly. "It was okay" Jack said keeping calm as if he was talking to me. "So where are you planning on staying?" she asked. "Well I was hoping you would let me stay here" he said nervously. "Of course Jack your like family" she said. "Thank you" Jack said. we finished the rest of dinner and I helped Jack move into the basement. Life was great for Jack he had a family who cared about him put a roof over his head and made sure he was well fed he was like a family pet who lived in the basement!

Liu's POV

I had been playing GTA 5 with Toby even though he has tourettes syndrome he still loves to play video games. Besides he probably had Tim to help him. You know I even think Toby had a little crush on Tim. He's always spending his time down at the cafe where his mom works so he could see Tim's performances . And Tim was always spends his time hanging out with Toby more than Brian another guy Toby told me about.

Toby's POV 

I had been playing GTA 5 while on the phone with Tim. Ah Tim he's my best friend. Well since it was only seven o clock and the sun was still out I decided to pay Tim a visit and finish up some of my homework at the cafe. Life had been great ever since my dad was convicted but its never going to be the same as when my sister Lyra was around.  That's why I was friends with Tim he helped me through some tough times and I'm great full for that.

Once I got there Tim was in the middle of a performance and like always Brian was recording. I  sat down like I normally do and watched the rest of Tim's performance. He was singing thinking out loud by Ed Sharron. He had the voice of an angle. After his song he hopped off stage and sat down next to me. "Hey kid hows a going?" he asked. A kid that's all he thinks of me. "I'm doing great and you?" I asked. "Life can be better" he said. "You said it" I said. "Yeah well I started taking up working up in the cafe, I have to stay after hours to clean up the place" Tim said. "You know I can always help you with that" I offered. "Toby I could never ask that of you" he told me. "Please!" I begged. "Okay but no bailing out on me deal!" Tim bargained. "You got yourself a deal!" I said shaking his hand. He chuckled.

"Hey Mrs. Rogers can we get some waffles and cheese cake in here?" Tim asked. My mom came out of the kitchen holding two plates one having delicious waffles on it the other mouth watering cheese cake. "Hey boys this orders on the house" she said. "Whats the special occasion?" I asked. "No reason in particular" she replied a cheerful smile on her face. We finished our meals when people started to leave. When my mom started to leave I told her I was staying to help Tim pick up. She said it was completely okay as long as I was home before nine.

When we started picking up things started to move faster than it usually does it sort of looked like a ghost town in here when we were done."So what now?" I asked. "We leave I guess this is the first time I've ever gotten the job done early" Tim said. The first few minutes were silent until I finally broke the ice. "See you tomorrow" I said giving him a hug. "See you later Toby" he said as I was walking out the the door. "Oh wait I forgot something" I said. I went back inside and stood in front of Tim. "What did you forget?" Tim asked. "This" I said pulling him closer our lips only inches away when it happened we kissed! He was surprised when I stop. "I'm sorry" I said running out. "Wait Toby!" I heard behind me . I ignored Tim and ran all the home.

Tim's POV

Toby just kissed me I was surprised I mean its not like I didn't like it I actually liked it. I felt my face heating up I swear it was a crimson colors. Wait did I just admit I liked Toby? I'm so confuffled. Then there was a knock on the locked door. It was Brian I let him in. "Hey Tim whats up?" he asked. "Oh nothing" I said in a depressing way. "Are you sure cause you sound depressed" he said. Brian knew me too well he could always see through my lies I had to tell him. "You know Toby wight?" I asked him. "Yeah what about him?"  Brian asked replying to my question. "Well we sort of kissed" I told him. Brian was jaw dropped "What?" he asked. "Do I have to repeat myself I told you we kissed!" I said repeating myself. "Well did you like it?" Brian asked. "What kind of douche bag question is that?" I asked. "You're still not answering me did. you. like. it?" he asked repeating himself. "yes" I replied I'm pretty sure my face was a dark shade of red by now. "Well the only other question I have have is who kissed whom?" he asked. "Toby kissed me" I said. I practically purred Toby's name my voice lightened up. "Did you resist or just let it happen?" Brian continued to ask. "A part of me wanted to resist while another part of me wanted to resist but now I want more" I said. 

"Okay here's what I say we do you go to his go house in the middle of the night because he'll probably be up all night thinking about you" Brian said sarcastically.. "Okay how about I just go talk to him now?" I asked. "Yeah that can work to" he said.

We left the cafe and walked to Toby's house. Mrs. Rogers had been pacing back and forth on the front porch. "Thank god you guys are here can you go talk to Toby ?" she asked. "Of course" I said.

I walked into Toby's dark room he was curled up into a ball on his bed. "Hey Toby" I said calmly. "Hey Tim what are you doing here?" he asked he seemed to be confused on why I was here. "I'm here to see you silly" I said keeping my voice as soft as I could. "Why?" he asked. I knelt down to his level "Because I care about you". He burst out into tears wrapping his arms around my neck "I'm so sorry Tim you can stop pretending to care!". "Toby Erin Rogers I can't believe my ears I will never stop caring about you!" I said returning the hug. "But the cafe" Toby mentioned. "Toby I love you that incident made me realize that" I said. "I love you to Tim" Toby said falling asleep in my arms.

I kissed his forehead and whispered in his ear "Goodnight". He smiled in his sleep it was actually kind of cute. I walked down the wall and back outside. "He's fast asleep" I told his mom. "Thank you Tim sorry to cut the visit short but I got to go" she said . I waved good bye leaving my most precious possession in the hands of his mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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