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   Isabella and Monica Cedarwood: Two sisters living in Brooklyn, New York, trying desperately to live, thrive, and try their best to reinvent their miserable lives after being disowned by their wealthy parents.

After all, it wasn't every day that one got disowned, disavowed, and disinherited, almost impressively in less thirty five minutes. While the fact that such things didn't happen every day still rang true, the unfortunate event happened once, and that proved to be more than enough.

"Why were they disowned?" You might ask? Well, In all transparency i
wholeheartedly wish I could give you a riveting answer. Something worthy of taking up such a large space on the pages of the prologue. Yet truly, the reason behind their outcasting was nothing more than an immature conflict of interests. Monica, the dazzling, beautiful brunette starlet-to-be, was of course, more prone to follow the route of the arts, settling on the controversial major that was theater. Bella, the equally stunning, doting, and creative blonde, had her large heart set on costume design.

But ol' Mummy and Daddy had their hearts set on law. Typical, amiright?

In a fiery argument, or, moreso, a screaming match, coupled with the years
upon years of being financially abused, change was made. Monica and Bella had quickly decided it was so much more fulfilling to be happy, and make a life for themselves. Anything was better than letting their parents puppet them around with painfully chafing wirings until their bitter (and probably purposeful) demise.

So, That was that.

That was six years ago. Now, instead of living in a prepaid mansion, with their husbands who bring home just as much money as them, driving Corvettes, and expecting large sums of money when their parents finally kick the can, That now seemed like only a far-off daydream. Instead, the Cedarwood sisters were living as starving –figuratively AND literally– artists in a dingy, sketchy, cramped studio apartment, working at a cafe that can only be classified as the Arby's of coffee shops.

Needless to say, they were miserable.

Believe it or not, However, they had one solace. One that was coming back
to their shitty home after walking from their shitty jobs, popping salty, buttery bargain-bought popcorn, sitting on the ratty futon they snagged from the side of they less-than-safe street in front of their complex, all before turning on their favourite move:

'The Princess Bride.'

         That was the only thing that kept the girls afloat, and honestly, looking forward to another friday. Other than that, they had literally nothing. Unless you count Spencer's bullets and Walmart clothing basics.

          And sure, It was definitely a tad bit odd that two twenty-four and twenty-two year old women relied on a farcical movie from the 80's to be have even a modicum of emotional replenishment, but i beg of you, do keep an open mind from the prior events that have been explained.

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