The Difference Between Linda & Y/n

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"NO! PLEASE DON'T HURT HER! PLEASE I BEG YOU! TAKE ME INSTEAD!" A silver-haired girl shouted at the scientist who's taking her friend away. "Shut up, brat! If you don't want this stupid girl die then shut up!" They yelled and glaring at the little girl. The silver-haired girl about to argue back but her friend smiled at her and shook her head. "Linda, please listen to them. I won't die, okay? I promise I will stay by your side forever!" The girl said with a small smile. "But, Sayaka! I don't want-" "Please, just this time, Linda... I beg you..." Sayaka said with tears rolling down her cheeks. "Enough chit-chat, brats!" They said and took Sayaka to the experiment room. "Sayaka... Please don't leave me..." Linda cried as she tried to reach her.

An emergency alarm was heard in the experiment room. "WARNING! THE HONKAI RESISTANCE ENERGY IS TAKING OVER! THERE WILL BE 80% THE EXPERIMENT WILL FAIL!" "Dammit! This girl is so useless!" They yelled angrily. 'Hehe, I guess the end for me huh? I'm sorry for breaking the promise, Linda... I hope you forgive me.' Sayaka thought. "WARNING! THE EXPERIMENT TEST WILL FAIL OF 90%!" 'I hope you have a good life without me...' Sayaka thought as she cried silently in the large liquid tube. "Her Honkai energy is low, so we don't need her we should let her die." One of the scientist said. "WARNING! THE TEST WILL FAIL OF 99%" 'And... Please don't give up...' Sayaka thought and with her final thought her body started to break into shards. "WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! THE EXPERIMENT TEST HAS FAILED!"

A Few Weeks Later...

"LET ME GO! YOU BASTARDS!" Linda yelled angrily at the scientists who's trying to take her to the experiment room. "Stop moving around you slut!" They shouted at the poor silver-haired girl. "YOU FUCKING DEMONS! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU FUCKING BASTARDS HAS DONE?! YOU KILLED THOSE INNOCENT KIDS AND USE THEM AS AN EXPERIMENT TEST! DO YOU THINK IT IS OKAY FOR YOU!?" Linda raised her voice then got slapped. "You got a bad mouth to say that kind of stuff? You bitch! Take her, boys!" They said.


The scientist who just slapped Linda falls on the floor with a bloody hole on his head. "What the! Who did that?! Show yourself you fucking bitch!" They yelled angrily and looks around. "What a surprise." A calm voice said which makes Linda golden eyes widened. "That voice..." Linda mumbled then looks around trying to find the voice. "You guys are really cruel... I always blaming myself that I'm not enough to protect my own daughter. I'm so stupid to let my guard down and let you guys took my beloved daughter away." The calm voice said. 'Why does the voice sounds so familiar...?' Linda thought. "Just show yourself already or we will kill this fucking slut right here!" One of the scientists shouted and before he can grab the knife from his pockets another shot gun sound was heard and falls on the floor. "Calling my daughter names? What a bastard you are..." The voice said. "Stop playing around and show yourself!" The scientist said who is the only one left. "Alright, what a shame to end this game right here. But since you eager to see me then I will obey you order." The voice said then a person appeared out of the pitch dark place. The person seems to be a taller man who has silver hair and golden eyes. "Papa...?" Linda said.

The man is now running in the forest with Linda in his arms. "Get him! Don't let him run away!" A voice from a far shouted. 'tch, what a pain...' the man thought. "Papa! W-where are we going?" Linda asked her father. "... Back... To our new safe home..." The man said but then he got shot from the back and tripped on a small rock as he fell with Linda. "Papa! Get up! We have to go!" Linda yelled with tears coming out from her eyes. The man stood up and hold Linda's hands and smiled then took out a small black button thing. "Take this... It will lead you to the safe place if you just press the button here..." He said and handed the thing to her. "But papa! We have to go together! I don't want to lose another person that I cared the most! Please papa!" Linda begged her father but her father only smiled and closed his eyes."Please go without me..." He said."There he is! Kill him!" The voice said."LINDA! GO! JUST RUN!" He shouted at her. "NO! I'M NOT GONNA RUN AWAY WITH OUT PAPA!" Linda yelled at her father then her eyes widened when she saw a person position their gun at her father.


"LINDA!" He shouted her name and looks at Linda who's got shot in the chest trying to protect her own father. "LINDA! YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO RUN AWAY!" Her father yelled as he cried. "I'm sorry, papa..." With her final breath she collapsed. He hold up the shotgun and points at the person which make them flinch. He glared at them then pull the trigger and shot them in the head from afar. He dropped the gun and walks toward Linda lifeless body and pick her up. "I'm sorry, Linda... I'm useless... I'm here to protect you and get to our new home safely... But instead you sacrifice yourself just to save me... I'm a bad father... I..." He couldn't let out more words anymore and cried as he hugged his daughter in his arms.

A Few Years Later

The tall man with silver hair and golden eyes stood Infront of the blue liquid tube that has a small body in it. 'Calm down, Vyn... Creating a clone is okay...' Vyn thought and sighed. Vyn  pressed the button as the water goes down then the door opened. The little girl opened her golden eyes and stepped out of the tube. The little girl has silver hair with red stand and two mini horns on her head and have golden eyes with X shaped in it. "Who are you...?" The little girl asked as Vyn smiled. "I'm Vyn Richter, Nice to see you." Vyn replied with a gentle smile. "I'm... I don't have a name..." The little girl said which make Vyn let out a soft chuckles. "Do you want me to name you?" Vyn asked as the girl nodded. "All right... your name will be... Y/n Richter and you can call me papa, Y/n." Vyn said with a gentle smile. "... Yes, papa." Y/n said and let out a small smile but then her smile faded when she saw a strange mark on his hand."Let's get something to eat, yeah?" Vyn asked and Y/n nodded.

Y/n followed Vyn but then she heard someone called her name "Y/n wake up." The voice said.

Y/n immediately opened her eyes and saw Mei, Kiana, Bronya and the others looking at her worried. "S-sorry... Where was I again...?" Y/n asked and rubbed her head but the she feels something on her head. "Huh?" Y/n said. "You're in the hospital right now. You were just walking with us but then you passed out." Kiana said with a worried face. "Your appearance also changed more. You have... Horns and your hair that used to be (H/c) turned into a silver one with red strand... And your eyes too." Kiana continued. "Girls, we should let her rest. We will discuss about this later at the dorm." Himeko said.

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