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《Tommy's Pov》
[This whole chapter will be Tommy's Pov]

I was sitting there scrolling through twitter when I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door to see Ranboo.  What does he want now? "What Mr. Boob?" He sighs seeing me smirk at my nickname for him. "Do you want to join the stream or not? We havent started yet and Tubbo wants you to join." He stated, he seems tired of my jokes. Did I make him uncomfortable? I didnt meant too- "Tommy?" I snap out of thought as he says my name. "Sure I'll join it."

~¤《Time Skip 15 minutes》¤~

This stream is really boring- dont get me wrong its interesting and all for Ranboo but not so much for me. "Hey Tommy what is it like to finally meet Ranboo in person?" Read a dono making me turn my head towards the monitor. "Oh, its cool and all. He's too tall and needs to shrink but other than that pretty cool guy." I hear Ranboo make a little snort at my statement of him being too tall. I'm too tired for this social interaction right now. I want to curl up in a ball and sleep for 7 hours, doesn't seem like thats going to happen soon though. God Tubbo why must all of your streams be so long.

I pick up my phone to check the time. Its only been 20 minites?! Time you need to go by faster. I looked around the room, my eyes landing on Ranboo. He's wearing a floral Hawaiian button up over a white t-shirt. He has on these black skinny jeans and standard converse. I look over to the monitor to see stream streams playing a media share of some kid falling off a swing onto their face. Chat is so un-funny. I look up at the wall, my eyes landing on a spider in the corner. Ranboo leans over to see what I'm looking at. "Oooh a spider!" Ranboo states pointing at it causing Tubbo to look up too.

Its been about an hour since the spider incident. Tubbo asked chat what they should do amd they said scary movie. To be honest I hate scary movies but I wasnt going to say it out loud, I'm a big man. There was a Huge jumpscare and I jumped grabbing Ranboo's sleeve and pulling it along with his arm towards me. Ranboo leans over and whispers to me asking if I was okay while tugging on his arm. I let go of his arm, my face flushed. Luckily we were in a dark room so chat couldnt see. What is this feeling? I'm a big man that loves women, right? The movie was alnost over when i passed out.

▪¤☆《Time Skip》☆¤▪

I woke up feeling cold, I was shivering. I looked around seeing me on the couch with only a pillow under my head. Dick'eads didn't even bother with a fucking blanket? Damn. I look up to see Tubbo shuffling in. "Hey Tommy, how are you?"

"Fucking freezing."

"Oh... sorry?"

"Ugh, it's fine, whatever"

Tubbo looked at me, it looked like he remembered something before he started laughing his ass off. Is he laughing at me? What did I do? I'm so fucking confused. "Hey Tommy you remember what happened lat night?"


"You fell asleep on Ranboo you idiot." He started laughing again as I blushed and pulled the pillow over my head. That probably made Ranboo uncomfortable. I'll tell him I'm sorry later. "Oi dickhead, stop fucking laughing will you?"

Tubbo finally stoped after I threatened to make him make his own breakfast. Yeah sure Ranboo can bake a (terrible) cake but I can actually cook decent food. I got up and walked into the kitchen starting to cook bacon and eggs.

After a few minutes of cooking eggs, he started moving onto the bacon. As he was cooking the bacon Ranboo walked in. "Oh, your making breakfast? I figured I was going to have to make my own. Thanks Toms," Ranboo said with an excited tone. Toms? Thats cute. Tommy felt a soft smile appear on his face. "Anytime Ran." After 15 minutes of small talk with Ranboo, Tommy called Tubbo down for breakfast. "Thanks bossman," Tubbo thanked Tommy.

《Time skip brought to you by my lack of will to write much more♡》

They were all sitting on the couch. I should probably apologize to Ranboo now.. but do I want to bring it up with Tubz around? Fuck it I'll just say it. "Hey Ranboo, I'm sorry about passing out on you last night. I hope I didn't make you too uncomfortable."

"It's fine Toms"

"It is?"

"Of course it is!"

Tubbo couldn't hold in the urge to mutter anymore. "I'm sure Ranboo was very comfy when you fell asleep on him," Tubbo wiggled his eyebrows at the two.

sorry ive been gone for so long loves, but im back now and i will be posting almost daily if i can!

Good night/Morning to you my lovely Stars 《☆》

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