You couldn't handle it anymore. You wanted him dead you know he killed your lover aswell and your friend... you grabbed a pole and walked up to him beating him. [[Three hours of fighting]] "he's finally dead..." you say breathless you feel empty without the people you love knowing you have no where to go. You start crying quietly and it quickly turns to sobbing
[10 years later]
You had a beatiful family and you loved them dearly. Every morning you woke up only to see there smiles you would do anything for them. You walk down the stairs ready to make breakfast. Once it's done you call them down "Kids breakfast! You to honey!" You yell upstairs. They don't come down.. you yell again and again then you go up to check. Your eyes fill up with tears and you couldn't breath. You saw them all dead with intestines and blood all over saying "only mine" with.. the bloody heart. You scream so loud your ears starting ringing going to look for your husband/wife seeing them also dead. You scream and sob violenty as you go to get a gun to end this but he made it first "Me first.. y/n" your eyes open in shock as he shoots you and you loose your breath and feel your blood. You go to reach for your partners hand and he steps on it so you can't and you give up and just die "I hate you..." you hear that chuckle one last time. You hated it...