When We Meet Again

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I wake up with my hair in a rats nest. "Wow." I say to myself in the mirror. My blonde hair with brown natural highlights is usually pin straight. I take my brush and start brushing out my hair. Finally the mess comes out and it looks good again. I get up and walk out of my bedroom. "Sophie?" I ask seeing her in the kitchen. "What are you doing up?" I ask. "I hear something." She says soft. "What was it?" "I dunno." "Well I'm sure it was nothing." I say getting down the cereal. I get 2 bowls out of the cabinet and pour in the cereal. Then I get the milk and pour that in. "Here you go." I say sticking a spoon into the bowl. "Yay!" She says excitingly and starts eating. I sit down beside her and eat some with her and eat my cereal.

There was a knock at the door and it surprises me so I jump. "Who dat?" Sophie asks. "Let me go see." I say walking toward the door. I look through the peep hole in the door and see Louis. Omg...

I open the door and there he is smiling. "How did you know my room number?" I laugh. "I asked!" He laughs. "Ooohh.. Of course." I smile and then move so he can come in. Sophie notices him and runs over to his legs and hugs them. "Whoa!" He says surprised. "Is this Sophia?" "Yea." I laugh as I close the door. "Hi." She smiles up at him. "Hello there." He smiles back at her. I sit down on the counter stool and watch them talk.

"How are you?" He asks me as he holds Sophie in his arms. "I'm good, you?" "Fantastic!" He says excitingly twirling Sophie in his arms. She giggles and it makes me smile. "I guess you two are getting along." I laugh. "He's funny Mommy!" She giggles and he holding her in the air, flying her around like an airplane. I smile at how well they are getting along. He seems to really like Sophie. Maybe he doesn't mind that I have a child. That is good to know.

We sat on the couch and walks TV. We were watching some little kid show that I didn't understand. Louis and Sophie fell asleep on the couch watching. It made me smile. I wonder what made him come over today. Was he just in the area? Bored? Thinking about me? I thought about all the possibilities that could have made Louis want to visit. Whatever it was I'm glad he did.

"Do you have go?" Sophie frowns. "Yea, sorry." He frowns back at her. "Will see again?" "Of course!" He smiles at the small child and she smiles back at him. "Good." She smiles running off back to her room. "Thanks for coming up. She had a wonderful time." I smile at him. "It was no problem." "What made up your mind to visit in the first place?" I ask wanting the answer. "Well the boys had nothing planned so I came up!" "Well, again. Thanks for coming." I smile. "It's no problem." He smiles back. "Well uh, bye." "Bye." He says leaving my apartment. I close the door and rest my back against it. I never thought this would happen in a million years. I celebrity would be so kind and visit little me.


I leave her apartment with a smile on my face. It brings back memories being around her. I wish she knew who I was. I miss the old times me and Lainey had together. Why did she have to loose all memory of me?! And why only me! Unfair! I head down the street and start walking home.

When I reach home I open the door and Harry rushes over to me. "Where have you been all day! You aren't cheating on me are you!!" Harry yells at me. "No." I laugh at him and walk past. "I've been at an old friends house." "Oh, who?" "Lainey Jackson." "Whose that?" "When I was little our parents were best friends so we became best friends. But, she moved to America with her parents but in the process there was an accident getting there. She lost part of her memory and her parents died." I finish off the story and frown. "Is she doing fine." "Yea, she's got a kid." "Whoa." "But she has it alone." I look up at him. "Oh.." "I want to help her take care of Sophie but-" "But?" "The part of the memory she lost." "Yea?" "I was in it." "She doesn't know who you are?!" "Besides that one famous guy." "I'm sorry mate!" "It's alright." I frown and walk into the kitchen to get some tea.


"Goodnight Sophie." I kiss her forehead and leave the bedroom. I walk off to mine and put on some comfortable pjs. I brush my hair out and then tie it up in a ponytail. I get into bed and just lay there. Why is Louis acting this way? Like I have known him forever when it's only been a day. It's all to confusing. I don't understand why he would be acting this way. I eyes start to become heavy and I drift off to sleep. Last thing on my mind. Louis Tomlinson.

Hey there! Sorry the chapter was so uneventful. But I hope you enjoyed!
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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