19|New Orleans & Belize

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KOL AND MELINA HAD the time of their lives in Belize. Melina found a job. After everything that happened, she found out that her passion is in flowers so now she works as a florist in the local flower shop. It's also secretly a way to find a way to cure herself. About a 3 years ago she found out that the hollow isn't completely gone and she's still terrorizing her family. There were veins slowly creeping up on her arm. She were gloves to not scare the customers away.

Kol found out about this when she went into the shower and be decided to join her and saw the black veins creeping up her arm. He asked what it was and she confessed that she thinks the Hollow's back. They couldn't know for sure it was Inadu but it was the only reasonable explanation. She is growing stronger and stronger everyday that she feeds off of her energy.

At the moment Melina was in the backroom with Alani- a witch that saw her marks on her hand and wanted help-, they were working on another serum, it had a hint of ambrosia in it which was believed to be the fruit of gods so they were hoping it would cure her. The backroom was small and you could see, there was a little sofa with a blanket on it pressed to the wall, infront of the sofa was a table with the stuff they used at the moment. Facing the table, there was an antique shelf. On it there were numerous exotic plants- either drying out or being stocked in bottles-, next to the shelf there was a chair on which about 5-6 grimoirs settled.

Alani took the sample and handed Melina the cup. She devoured it in one gulp and cringed at the taste. It was disgusting.

"Ugh I think that reached my maximum level of disgust what did we put in it?" She questioned as she took a swing of the water from the bottle that was on her right.

"Poison sumac, purple basil, bay leaves,hops and some fennel" Alani read from the grimoir they just used. Alani's who family where witches and conveniently she was from Salem and they moved into Belize about 10 years ago. Alani although only being 17 she was quite skilled at magic.

Then the bell rang signaling a new customer entered the shop. Melina got up to welcome the customer but she was hit by a sever dizziness.

"Hey, when was the last time, you took it?" Alani asked Melina who just shook her head. They did find a solution but not a permanent one.

"No, I'm fine" She said and grabbed her bag." Can you take over?" Melina asked Alani who just nodded. Melina headed home into their apartment that her and Kol had. It wasn't anything big but not too small either. Kol said he can get her any house she wants but she was happy with what they had now.

She entered the room and nearly collapsed in the living room. It was starting to get too much, and Hollow was taking more and more power. The serum was stopping to work. Kol rushed to her side and placed her on the couche. Kol opened the one of the cabinets the one where they online store the serum to fight of the infection the hollow was causing. He took out a syringe and filled it to the max with the liquid.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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