Chapter 2

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(Tao's POV)

The next session, our classroom was even louder than our usual loud meetings. Park Minhye became the hottest topic within our members. At the dorm, during training, and even in our vans her name would come up at some point or time.

Some hated her, some saw her as hope. What about me? I didn't like her. Not even one bit. She was probably the worst tutor we've ever had. Sure she was interesting and determined, but I learned nothing from her. Nothing.

Kris was still agitated, and Chanyeol and Baekhyun were already setting up a flour trap to welcome her on her second session. On the contrary, Suho was below them trying to convince them not to set it up, but unfortunately for him nobody really listened to him, especially with tutors.

It's a never ending battle with to keep or not to keep. That is the question.

Do we keep this tutor, or do we get rid of her like everybody else?

Xiumin was outside waiting for the teacher, and although he said he'll be the watch out as an excuse, I bet you that he was the most excited about our new tutor. Alongside with Suho, Xiumin didn't see her as a threat. He said something about her reminding him of his sister, but he had to hide it. He had to hide his eagerness, especially with our leader Kris hating her. Not long after, he came right back in bursting through the door screaming, "She's here! She's here!"

Baekhyun and Chanyeol, were the first to react dropping their bucket of flour and instantly rushing to their seats. All of us put on our masks of indifference. This was an unspoken game of who could fool who. Our prides on the line, we couldn't show a drop of interest for any of our tutors.

Minhye, was the joker, game turner, the dark horse. The instant she stepped foot on the game board, crashing waves of questions swept the classroom. Everybody lost.

With a motorcycle helmet over her head and a purple raincoat, whose interest wouldn't been caught? She strutted to the front of the room with a confidence that was so overwhelming, that my mind was fooled to render the whole situation normal.

"So," she began. A suitcase emerged from her raincoat, and like a super-secret agent she took out a packet of papers."Today I'm giving you guys your first ever assignment. " As she pulled the helmet off her head she put multiple packets of what seemed like notes on our desks.

The whole room groaned. It was what the boys hated the most. Schoolwork.

Minhye began to split us up into two groups, but just as expected we simply ended up with our own members. Coincidentally, all the EXO-M members ended up together, and the same with EXO-K.

Now, I really find it hard to believe that she doesn't know us. Our company spent so much money on our debut, and made us such a huge deal. Will our popularity become a short lived dream? Will all our effort result in failure? No. I've risked way too much to get here.

"Who in here likes music?" Her question put my thoughts into a halt. With a raised hand she waited for a response, but no one reacted. All the members sat in silence as if replying, "DUH! We are a kpop group."

Despite our silence she continued, "Whether you like it or not, we're going to be using it for this project. In your own groups you'll all be making your own rendition of any song of your choice, but your job is to change the lyrics so it's related to the notes I gave you. Our topic, biology."

A sigh of suspicion escaped me. Okay, she knows that we like music, and she even split us up perfectly into our subgroups. It can't all be just a coincidence. Right when I was about to raise my hands, Kai, a step ahead of me, beat me to it, "Are you sure you really don't know who we are?"

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