Chapter 2 - Falling Asleep on a Stranger

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Kira's POV



I was suddenly very much aware that he was in nothing but boxers, not that I hadn't been aware of it before, it just became much more distracting now that he was stood in my living room.

"Do you want some PJ's?" I asked him. "My brother keeps some clothes here for when he stays" I honestly didn't mind seeing him the way he was at all, but I felt that I should be at least a little subtle about my attraction to him. I also wanted him to feel comfortable in my home, and judging by the way he held his hands together over his crotch, I didn't think that 'comfortable' was the word best used to describe him at this moment in time.

"Yes please" he said with a shy smile of appreciation "I'm so sorry about this, I was in the shower and heard the alarm and panicked. I haven't even been here two weeks and the whole building has seen me half naked!"

"Well at least it's a pretty sight" I said nonchalantly as I headed into my room and opened up the drawer where Oliver kept his clothes. Wait, what had I just said? I gasped and slapped my hand over my mouth before running back into the living room to find Tony, his eyes wide in surprise and his cheeks flaming red. I felt the tips of my ears heat up as I went to try and come up with some sort of explanation, but the words got stuck in my throat. "I'm sorry – I didn't – I was just – sorry" I stuttered out. A small, shy smile made its way onto Tony's round face. "It's okay" he bit his bottom lip. My cheeks flared and I spun on my heel, heading back over to Oliver's things, picking up a set of pyjamas and walking back into the living room.

"I'll set up the sofa-bed" I said as I handed him the pyjamas. He smiled at me and I walked over to the sofa and began folding it out. "Would you like some hot chocolate? I was going to make some before I went to bed" I offered. It was only when the words left my mouth that I realised how stupid I sounded – he was a grown man! He didn't want hot chocolate before bed! I probably looked so stupid.

"I'd love some hot chocolate! But only if you sit here and drink it with me" and I didn't miss the hint of flirtation in his voice as I began to heat the milk.

"So where are you from? What brings you to London?" I asked as I handed him his hot chocolate and sat down on the sofa bed next to him, crossing my legs.

"I was born in Mexico and grew up in San Diego. My band recently got signed and the record label is based in London. We bought an apartment here and I flew out three weeks early to get the place furnished and nice for when the guys come" he explained.

I remember a conversation I had in my bedroom with my best friend at 15. We were talking about boys and girls and everything in between. "There are two types of guys you must never go out with" she had said, "fu.ckboys, obviously, and guys in bands."

I decided to ignore her on this one occasion, due to circumstances....very cute circumstances.

I smiled and moved so I was sitting more comfortably (and maybe tad closer to the boy next to me) "You're in a band? That's awesome! What are you guys called? What do you play?"

"We're called Pierce the Veil. I play lead guitar" he told me.

"I want to learn to play guitar but I don't have the time or the money"

"Maybe I could teach you!" He offered.

"I'll have to take you up on that!" I really wanted to learn to play. I also wanted an excuse to see this man as much as possible.

"What about you?" he asked "What's your story?"

"I was born and raised in Luton. I moved to London when I turned 18 for university. I'm studying psychology and I work at a tattoo store down the road" I told him

"Wow! You got any ink?" He asked. I pulled off my dressing gown, almost forgetting that I was wearing a very thin, skimpy nightdress underneath...almost. I raised it over my thigh and stretched my leg out in front of me, showing him my thigh piece. I pulled it back down and then slipped the string shoulder of my night dress over my arm, and using my other hand to keep the dress from falling I showed him my rib tattoo. "That one hurt like a bitch!" I told him "I've also got a tree design across my back but I can't show you that without taking my whole dress off" I looked into his eyes as I said it although my concentration was more on the pillow that he had casually slipped into his lap during my little demonstration.

"I'd show you mine but I'm pretty sure I saw you checking them out earlier" he said. "It was my tattoos that you were checking out wasn't it?" He asked, knowingly.

"Of course" I said, biting my lip a little.

And that's how it went on. We talked about our lives and got to know each other, throwing in the occasional flirty comment. He told me all about San Diego, showing me pictures and telling me stories. It sounded beautiful. We scooted closer together every now and then and at a round 3am I felt my eyelids begin to droop. I laid my head down onto a funny shaped pillow which seemed to rise and fall gently – it was the most comfortable pillow I had ever slept on in my life.


Hey guys! I know it's been a long time so feel free to throw rocks at me or whatever you want to do to punish me for not updating. Now that exams are over I will be updating much more regularly my loves.

Ask questions or post requests in my messages on Wattpad or on my tumblr

Keep it ugly!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2015 ⏰

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