One shot

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" I want it to be so cute he falls in love with me"

" Namjoon ? " answered Yoongi

" what ?"

"does he even like guys ?"

"oh ? yeah.. idk ? i feel like he does ? wait yeah you're right he might not like boys omg what am i going to do I-"

"shut up"

"I- what ?"

"he's bi"

"what ? how would you know that ?"

"I asked his friend Hoseok for you, and he told me he was"


"Namjoon. at least now you know. your dumb ass was going to ask without knowing. what if he was straight ? you would've been so ashamed"

"yeah.. you're right, thanks hyung"

"you're welcome kid"

"anyways, i wanna ask Seokjin to prom the best, smoothest, cutest, fanciest way possible. his prince charming looking face deserves it all"

"try to maybe talk to him once before ?"

"what if i chicken out again ?"

"Namjoon you think you can ask him for prom but not make small talk with him?"

"yea. he's intimidating hyung.."

"Seokjin deserves better"

"shut up."

They arrived in front of the painting of the fat lady.

"Hello kids, thinking about prom huh ?" she asked

" umh yeah kinda ", answered Namjoon

"don't be scared, just ask him" , she said while winking at Namjoon

"what's the password kids ? " she continued

" balai ", answered Yoongi

They went through the common room straight to their shared bedroom.

"The man of my dreams is just down the corridor and here am I fantasizing about him when i'm pretty sure he doesn't even know my name. " Said Namjoon throwing himself on Yoongi's bed.

" Namjoon go to your bed why do you always come here "

"Hyung I need you to help me not to push me away. " whined Namjoon

"you're so annoying ." answered back Yoongi laying down next to his best friend.

"we need to find a way for you to talk to him. You need to test the waters first, try to talk to him tomorrow in class and then ask him to prom if you liked him after that " continued Yoongi.

" okay but how am i supposed to do that hyung ? i'm so bad at this"

"we have potion class tomorrow and he's good at it, maybe ask him for help ?"

"you're a genius hyung, i'll do that"

"don't mess it up, prom is coming up and if you don't hurry up, someone else is going to ask him."


Namjoon was walking to his first lesson, it was way too early but he wanted some time before class to build up the confidence he needed to talk to Seokjin. That day was the day, he wasn't going to back down down. He had to talk to him.

Namjin, an enchanted story Where stories live. Discover now