Wolves of the Beyond: Shattered

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Wolves of the Beyond (c) Kathryn Lasky

OC's (c) HiddenWolf

Lyrics (c) Trading Yesterday

                                                                   Wolves of the Beyond


Who am I from the start, Take me home to my heart, Let me go and I will run, I will not be silenced


Adrina nestled close to her mother, belly full of warm tasty milk. The soft belly fur of Numee kept the young she pup warm against the cold storm blowing in from the far north. Akio curled closer to his sister and mother, wrapping his small puppy tail around his sisters. Together the black and white pups looked like the ying and yang symbol. Accenting each other perfectly. Adrina could make out the heart beats of both her mother, the milk giver and life giver, and her brother. His was much like hers, small and rhythmic, while Numee's was much louder and melodious.

The pup knew that while in the presence of her milk giver that she was safe and warm. Safe from the cruel world around her, safe from the taunts of other, safe from the one thing that was precious to any wolf pup that milk givers tried to allow them to hold onto as long as possible, innocence. Innocence is a brilliant thing that comes and goes as quickly as it came. If born into the clan, these pups would have endured the fate of death, taken away by the Obea, a she-wolf unable to bear pups of her own with the job of taking deformed pups or malcadhs to their death on a flat rock call a tummfraw to freeze to death, starve, be crushed by a moose or picked off by predators. Adrina sensed that none of this would happen to her as long she was with her family. But this safe feeling couldn't last forever.

Those dark auburn eyes that hid in the thick of the conifer trees lit up the night, there was an evil hidden away in those eyes, as fiery as a raging inferno lighting up the dark evening sky. The prescene behind those bushes, in the shadows of the conifer were two wolves. The auburn optics belonged to a mangy silver tinged female outclanner flecked with golden rims around her eyes and ears. Standing at her side was her sibling, the Obea of the Macheath clan. Fawn colored fur bristling, hackles raised, ears alert and straight forward.

"Imelda....," Growled Xenia, her silver maw lips raised, to show sharp canines hidden away. ", Your as impatient as a pup waiting for its first taste of flesh. Stay low and away. For all we know Numee could have picked up on our scents and be onto us."

"What can she do? She's weak from birth, it will be awhile until she regains her strength. And besides without a pack to protect her or feed her the nourishment that she needs. She's almost as helpless as the pups she feeds."

"Don't underestimate Numee, Imelda... Remember what happened long ago.." Xenia cackled to herself.

"I told you never to bring that up Xenia!" Imelda's voice raised, her tail shot out straight.

"Oh shut up.... Look Numee's stirring!"

Both she wolves lowered themselves and crawled forward, in a similar stance gnaw wolves knew oh to well.

Numee had never truly been asleep, she'd been alert all night long. Determination and the love for her pups had driven her. Though tired and weak, she had to stay awake. Or at least until she knew that she would be safe from the Obea. However if it hadn't been for the shrill growling in the bushes not to far away, Numee would have never known that the Obea herself and her outclanner sister had been sitting in the bushes. Readying an ambush on the poor new mother.

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