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Okay, Vector here. This is a story about the amazing me. Aren't you excited?

Well, I suppose it's kinda about all of the emperors, but I get to tell the story 'cause I'm obviously the most awesome and best, so it's only natural, right?

Anyways, the story you're used to is all about Yuma, but trust me, our side of the story is much more interesting. After all, what's so great about a human? Okay, so-


Sorry for the delay, Alito was being annoying again....

Okay, where was I?


D*** it Alito! You made me lose my train of thought.

Crap....Well, I'll admit, our side is also much well, So I'll spare you some of the details. Unless it embarrasses one of the others, then I'll let you know as much as I can recollect.

And this is a journal, not a diary. Just to clear that up.

Yes, there is a difference.


What? You don't believe me?

Fine, I'll prove it.

Journals are written by awesome guys like me. Diaries are written by girls.

Like Marin.

And Mizar.



I swear to Don Thousand he's a girl.


Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy this more than Yuma's crappy version. After all, Barians are superior to humans. And I'm superior to all other Barians.

What? It's true! Jeez, learn your facts people....

Besides, you'll be thanking me for telling it to you. I saved you from having to listen to Dumon's monotone voice, or Alito's stupidness, or Mizar going on about Tachyon, or Girag's complaining, or Marin talking about whatever she talks about (I don't listen to her...), or, probably the most annoying of all, Nash's stupid voice. It really is annoying. You just have to hate it.

Okay, I think I told you all you have to know, and if not, I'll let you know later in the journal. (Again, I swear it's not a diary.)

So, enjoy! (And if you don't enjoy it, I'll take you to my Happily Exciting, Amazing, Vector's Enjoyable Nirvana. A.K.A, H.E.A.V.E.N.(Described later in the journal)

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