Fight en missing

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Dana jolted awake, drenched in sweat, her heart racing from another terrifying nightmare.

She had screamed

This one had been particularly frightening, leaving her bewildered and shaken. She couldn't comprehend why this dream had affected her so deeply.

Jana, tired of her sister's frequent nighttime disturbances, groaned as she sat up in their tent. "Seriously, what's going on now? You woke me up!"

Dana, still trembling from the nightmare, stuttered out an apology. "I- I'm so sorry... It was really bad this time."

Jana couldn't help but add sarcastically, "Are any of your nightmares not bad?"

Just then, Olivia unzipped the tent and approached Dana, enveloping her in a comforting hug.

"Dana," Olivia whispered, offering solace as Dana broke down into tears and held onto her tightly.

"It's okay," Olivia reassured her, gently stroking her hair. "We're here for you, everything's going to be alright."

Dana trembled as tears streamed down her cheeks, sniffling softly. "It was a horrible dream this time, Oli. I'm terrified we were killed," she whispered, her eyes pleading with Olivia. "Let's leave before it's too late," she urged, her words faltering.

Olivia tried to reassure her, saying, "It was just a nightmare, Dana. We'll be safe, I promise."

But Dana couldn't shake off her fear. "I'm so scared," she admitted.

"Try to calm down, take a deep breath," Olivia suggested gently.

As Dana tried to compose herself, noises from outside the tent caught their attention, possibly waking up the other campers with their cries and talking.

Concerned, David entered the tent and knelt beside Olivia, asking, "What happened to her?"

"It was another nightmare," Olivia informed him.

David nodded and placed a comforting hand on Dana's arm. "Would you like to go outside for some fresh air? It might help you feel better in the chilly weather."

Dana declined, saying, "I'm feeling better now, but I really want Aiden here."

Seeing the disappointment on David's face, Olivia gave him a reassuring smile and said, "I'll go get him." With that, David rose to leave the tent.

Jana rolled her eyes at the dramatic scene. "Goodness, such unnecessary drama! I think I really need some fresh air instead." With that, she stood up and left the tent.

David cursed under his breath as he made his way towards the other person's tent. "That guy hasn't even bothered to check on his girlfriend, but I did. Only for her to want Aiden instead."

Still muttering curses, he called out Aiden's name through the closed tent flap and heard a groan in response.

"What's going on? Is it the new year already? Can't a person get some peaceful sleep around here?"

David clenched his fists, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

"Dana is looking for you," he replied firmly.

"So she was the one screaming like a banshee?"

That was the last straw for David. He kicked the tent in frustration, trying to reach the person inside. "Open up before I give you a beating you won't forget! How dare you speak about Dana like that? Aren't you supposed to be her boyfriend?"

Zach stepped in and held David's shoulders, attempting to calm him down as others started to gather around.

"Guys, it's only 2 am. Your voices are way too loud," Reyes intervened, trying to defuse the escalating tension.

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