-S I X-📍Avengers Compound

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-S I X-
📍Avengers Compound

Tomorrow was Alisa's first oficial birthday, even though she had grown six full years during twelve months. Wanda decided to make something small but special so that she could remember it forever. First thing she did was bake her a tiny, chocolate-flavored cake with vanilla frosting; next, she used a light-green colored frosting to draw a small heart right in the middle. Wanda made sure to keep it a secret since she did not want to draw everyone's attention towards her daughter's strange aging situation.

June the second, seven thirty-four in the morning, Wanda wakes up to go get the cake from the refrigerator, which she left inside a small box hoping no one would open it. Unfortunately, she found Thor and Steve with a horrible hangover eating Alisa's cake. "What are you guys eating?" She asked suspicious already knowing what was going on, but truly hoping she would be wrong.

"Witch, you are not going to believe it. We found this masterpiece alone in the refrigerator!" Thor boomed a little bit too loud for Steve's liking. Maximoff closed her eyes in attempt to calm down and stop herself from snapping at the two and walked away to her room.

The woman paced around the room nervously until Vision walked across the wall as if it were the most common thing to do. "Jesus! Don't walk on me like that." The android apologized ashamed but asked what the matter was and why Wanda was acting so strange. She explained the situation and pleaded him to stay quiet and not tell the others while she fixed the situation.

As soon as Wanda left to buy a cake from the city, Vision flew over to where the whole team, except for the Maximoffs, were eating breakfast. "Teammates!" Vision began excited.

"Please don't." Nat gave him a look, making the android's excitement die and speak again.

He told them everything Wanda said, instantly making guilt creep into Thor and Steve.
Not long after, everyone was helping to make Lisy's first birthday party. Vision decided to bake the cake, but this time bigger than the last one. Natasha, Sam, and Clint decorated the whole kitchen and living room with big letters, balloons, wall decoration, and many more. Steve was given the job to spy on the little girl to make sure she would not leave her room until everything was done.

Although they had properly got to know the girl for about two months now, she had become special to all of them. Maybe they would not quite die for her yet, but she always managed to crack a smile on their faces. Specially Steve, who spent most of the time training with her because of his softness and precautions on hurting others. Natasha told him it would be better to train her himself because she was incapable of fighting softly.

One thing Steve loved about the little girl was her imagination and the stories she would tell him when taking a break from running. One time, a tiny spider bit Alisa's finger and called the insect an 'ungracious dipshit', something her uncle used to refer to the scientists as. Steve's eyes widened and Sam let out a snicker before sarcastically adding, "Steve did you hear that?" To which he only rolled his eyes in response. Alisa then took it as an opportunity to tell the two about a strange dream she had after her first training session inside the compound.

Wanda returned about an hour after, she paced quickly towards the kitchen but stopped in her tracks seeing everybody decorating. "Vision!" The red man's face poked behind the fridge where he had just closed the oven. All of the others in the room stopped doing what they were doing as well to look at a very angry-looking Wanda.

After assuring Wanda they only cared for the two of them, she agreed on having the birthday party. So after Alisa woke up to her mother, they both joined everyone in the kitchen. "Happy birthday, little one!" Thor's voice stood out from the others, making Alisa jump at the sudden noise. Everyone wore birthday hats, ate cake, and enjoyed the day off together.

Alisa's favorite gift from the Avengers was definitely Thor's coupon for a month-full of free pop tarts, instead of having to win hide-and-seek to get one of his own stack.

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