Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


It had started with the explosion. The deep boom followed by the sound of water raining down on itself was what had initially drawn her from her cabin. She grabbed her weapon of choice – a harpoon she'd found washed up on the beach back at the start – and headed out despite her more logical side telling her following a sound like that would only get her caught up in trouble, either from the people who'd caused it or the Z's that would be drawn to the sound.

She walked the short distance through the trees before the dirt became sand and she'd walked out onto the shore. All looked quiet enough, the ocean had calmed and returned to its usual rolling waves and there wasn't a person or zombie to be found. She continued walking anyway seeing if she found anything useful that may have washed up, ever since she'd taken that cabin as her refuge she'd found a descent amount of things along the shoreline; netting, fishing hooks and wire, plastic and glass bottles, she'd even found a small compass once.

She paused when she saw something up ahead, a long black figure and once she got closer she could tell it was a body. She held her harpoon in a more defensive manner as she approached. The body was face down so that made it more difficult to tell if it was human or zombie. Sometimes the zombies moved and other times they didn't, it depended on how long they'd been in the water. If they'd drowned and their lungs had filled with the salty liquid of the sea it weighed them down and made it difficult for them to get up, not a problem for her since it also made them easier to kill. The closer she got she realized the body – now clearly a man - wasn't moving at all which was odd, if it was a Z usually they'd at least be twitching and snarling. She poked him with the blunt end of her harpoon and still he didn't move. She knelt beside him with her heart now racing, if he wasn't well enough to be moving but he hadn't turned yet then that meant he might be wavering between dead and alive. She hated the idea of having someone's life in her hands, especially these days. What if she saved him and he turned out to be someone bad? What if she didn't and he was someone good?

In the end her own good nature won out and she put down her harpoon to flip him over onto his back revealing a rifle he'd been laying on top of. He still gave no response and she brought her ear to his chest waiting for a heartbeat, after a moment she heard the dull thump-thump but realized his chest wasn't moving – he wasn't breathing. She tried to remember what she learned back in high school when they required everyone to learn CPR, she lifted his head and blew air into his mouth once, twice, three times.

Then he started to cough and she pulled back as he leaned over and threw up salt water before he took a few shaky breaths; then he laid on his back again, now panting. Her hand went to her harpoon, just in case, as he looked up at her. Then his eyes rolled up into his head and his eyelids shut as he passed out. She brought her hand to his shoulder and started to shake him, he was still breathing and he still had a pulse so what could be wrong?

She checked him over but it was difficult since his black clothes were drenched and stuck to his body. When she brought one hand to rest over his stomach she felt how wet his shirt was but this spot was different, this was warmer. She pulled up his shirt and found a patch of gauze taped to his abdomen, but instead of being white the rectangle was completely red as he bled out from what seemed like a pretty bad wound.

She sighed.



Dragging him from the beach back to her cabin hadn't been easy and she tried to keep his right side out of the sand as much as possible, the wound he had was bad enough, he didn't need sand getting in it and causing an infection.

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