Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

In the days that had passed Murphy's kingdom had been growing. Well, maybe it was more of a mini-dom. But there was now a chain link fence out front with a guarded gate to keep the squatters out. Around a dozen people who had heard of him had flocked to the area, every couple of days one or two more would show up. They were camped out front waiting for the cure he'd promised them.

"Well the zombie moat seems to be working nicely." he complemented Will as the pair walked outside.

"Thank you. I followed your specs exactly."

"It's a little thin on the Z side. Get some more zombies in here."

"I'm on it."

He ducked to pass through the guardhouse where the main gate was.

"Who built this thing hunchbacks? Fix that."

"I will."

"Murphy!" one of the campers shouted in desperation rushing up to him. The guard at the gate lifted his gun but Murphy raised his hand stopping him from shooting.

"No, no, no, let him come."

"Mr. Murphy come please." the man begged leading him to a tent. He pulled back the flap to reveal a very sickly looking woman. She looked on death's doorsteps and could barely lift her hand to reach out to him.

"We need your help." the man continued, "I think she's dying. Please. Save her. Bite her like you did the others.

"I - I'm sorry I can't. I'm too weak, they've been taking my blood to make the vaccine." he stood up and noticed the crowd that was gathering.

"I'm sorry I can't bite all of you. I'm sorry, but a cure is coming. With the apocalypse as my witness we are developing a cure. Trust me." then he walked back to his compound where he was safe. But his people weren't. He needed Merch.

She was in her lab, her bite obvious and bright red.

"Merch!" he shouted.

"I'm working on it." she replied sounding annoyed, even under his control.

"Well work faster." he demanded plopping at a stool by one of her tables.

"I can't. This takes time." she said walking around and mixing things together, "Now that I have your blood, I can mix your Z virus antibodies with the original vaccine. When we inject the vaccine with your antibodies into humans it creates a zombie human blend."

"That I control?"

"Correct. These boosters with the original vaccine arrest the effects of your deterioration. without them you'll end up like patient zero back in Colorado."

He swallowed nervously suddenly looking at the tubes in her hand like they were made of gold. Footsteps broke him of his spinning thoughts and he turned to the door.

"Some of the refugees won't take no for an answer." Will told Murphy as he walked into Merch's lab, "I just saw two of them inside the fence."

"The natives are getting restless." Murphy said getting up, "We need that vaccine now."

"It should be ready within forty eight hours." Merch replied.

"And you're making sufficient quantities?" he asked.

"As you instructed, ten thousand doses. But I need to do more testing before we use it on humans. I don't know if it's safe –"

"Blah, blah, blah the apocalypse is one giant human trial!" Murphy snapped, "The future is here. My people need the vaccine now." He said storming out of the room.

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