Letting the cat out of the bag

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Robins pov

"Im telling you Steve Vickie is definitely straight remember we saw her kiss her boyfriend" I say trying to finish my makeup without messing up
"Robin I'm telling you that girl is not straight have you seen the way she dresses!? No straight person dresses like that!"
"Yea yea whatever you say Steve." I say annoyed that I messed up my eyeliner. We get to the School and I put my stupid band hat on and get in my spot, right next to the hottest person to live in this hell of a world Vickie aka my crush
"Hey robin" someone says snapping me out of my thoughts I look over and I see it's Vickie
"Hey Vickie, how've you been?" I say trying to make small talk
"Not the best actually" she says with a frown on her face
"Oh no! What happened?" I say trying to Comfort her as best as possible
" found out my boyfriend cheated on me with one of the cheerleaders" all tho I should have been happy they broke up I couldn't help fell bad for her "he sounds like a dick" I say not thinking
" yea he was one" she says laughing a bit " at least I have a chance with someone I've been crushing on for a while now" she adds
"Really who?" I ask super curious not like it would be me tho.
"Oh umm it's no one" she says nervously and looking at the ground I was going to say something but we had to start playing are instruments just as we stoped playing
Tammy Thompson aka the girl I used to have a crush on came out to sing the National anthem
"Wow Steve was right she really does sound like mrs piggy" I say laughing and looking at Vickie
"I think she sounds like Kermit" she says laughing and looking at me and then back at her
" you know I used to have a crush on her a couple years ago" I put my hand over my mouth realizing what I just said
" no way! You liked her too I thought it was just me" she says looking at me in smiling I look at her in shock I could see Steve out of the corner of my eye smirking
"Really?" I say to her
" yup." She pauses then says "wait did you think I was straight!?"
"Yea kinda" I say looking at the ground
"What kind of strainer person dresses like this!" I go to speak but Steve interrupts me
"thats what I said!" She yells out. I give him the death glare telling him to shut up
Vickie laughs "I'm actually bisexual" she says smiling I smile back
"I'm lesbian" I say
"Thats cool" she says I could tell she meant it to
"Oh shoot we gotta go" Steve says
"I didn't even realize that it was over" I say laughing
"me ether" Vickie says "see you tomorrow robin bye Steve" she says running off
"Bye see you tomorrow" I say back
"Bye Vickie" Steve says waving
(In Steve's car)
"You should ask her out" Steve says starting the car
"What! No thats a bad idea she said she was interested in someone else" I say looking out the window
"She way obviously talking about you, just ask her now you know she's not the wrong person so what can go wrong!" He says pulling out of the parking spot
"Ok ok fine I'll ask her tomorrow how's that!" I say grabbing my makeup wipes and taking off my makeup
"Good" Steve says smirking "I can't believe she thinks Tammy sounds like a muppet too" he says looking over at me
"Yea now thinking about it she kinda does sound like Kermit" I say laughing

Vickie's pov
I collapse onto my bed. I still can't believe that robin Buckley is a lesbian and she thought I was straight. I take the photo of everyone in the school band of my wall and just stare at her, she is the hottest person to live in this hell of a world. She is perfect but I don't think she would ever like someone like me. Should I ask her out tomorrow? Yea I think I might just do that! I look back a the photo, ugh i look ridiculous with that stupid band hat. The only person who can pull off that hat is robin. She looks so good with that hat and I just look stupid
"Vickie dinners ready" I hear my mom call from down stairs
"Coming" I call back I walk down the stairs and sit down at the table
"Tacos my favorite" I say smile
"So how was your day?" My mom asks
"Good" I answer after I finish eating I go up to my room and get changed into my pjs and lay down on my bed just staring at the ceiling thinking about her. I soon fall asleep and I have a dream that we where kissing. It was amazing it almost felt real

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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