Chapter 2: Project Zero

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"I'm just saying, if I wanted to, I could totally lift Thor's hammer."

"Knuckles, they said you have to be worthy in order to lift the hammer." It was a normal day on Angel Island, and a perfect day for Sonic and Knuckles to do their usual banter.

"And who's to say I'm not worthy! I'm more worthy than you are! I'm strong, I've got a strong mind, I've got the looks of a worthy warrior! There isn't anything else!" Sonic couldn't help but sigh.

"Strong body? Yes, but a strong mind? Not so much. You and Tails gotta stop watching those Marvel movies." Before Knuckles could come up with a comeback, there was a loud crash near the forest. It was loud enough that it shook the whole island. Sonic and Knuckles looked to where the noises were coming from and saw that the animals were running out of the forest in fear Already guessing to what the problem may be, the boys ran to the forest. Sonic got there first, Knuckles not too far behind. Sonic saw that it was Eggman with a new robot, (A/N: I'll leave it up to your imagination on what type it could be.) mostly the same as any other robot, big but not too big. Knuckles groaned in annoyance when he saw Eggman.

"I take a break for one second and Eggman things it's okay to attack the island."

"Some things never change I suppose." Sonic responded before he called out to Eggman, "Hey Egghead! Haven't had enough!? I swear I just beat you a few days ago!" Eggman just chuckles his evil chuckle.

"That was just pure luck hedgehog! Now I've come back with a new weapon, one that I know will take you to the ground, permanently!" Sonic looked at the robot that Eggman was riding in and scoffed.

"No offense, but that robot looks way to slow and way too small to even be considered a threat." Eggman brushed off the insults and continued to grin.

"Oh, I'm not using this robot to defeat you, you blue rat. This robot is just my front row seat when I see my other new creation take you down. Step forward...Project Zero." From behind the robot stepped out a small, hooded figure. You couldn't see their face since the hood they were wearing blocked their face. Sonic looked at them for a second before looking at Eggman.

"Okay? This one is even smaller than your robot. How is this a threat? Sorry to say Eggman, but you're losing your touch."

"That's where you're wrong, Sonic. Zero, show them what you're made of!" Eggman shouted. Before anyone could blink, Zero dashed to the side, disappearing into the trees and bushes. Sonic and Knuckles took a fighting stance back-to-back as Eggman commanded his robot to get the out of the way.

"Where did it go?" Knuckles asked, looking around frantically.

"I didn't see, it went too fast," Sonic never thought he would admit that something could be that fast that even he couldn't see it, he was actually impressed. He suddenly heard a rustle beside him.

"Look out!" Sonic pushed Knuckles out of the way as soon as something cold was shot towards them. When they got up, they looked at where the frigid blast hit and saw the tree that had cold dust on it.

"Is that...Snow?" Knuckles questioned. Before Sonic could confirm it, Project Zero stepped out of the bushes. Their hands conjuring up more snow power before making it disappear. Then they rubbed their hands together before clapping them together, igniting fire power on their hands, covering them in a bright red-orange glow that was hot to the touch.

"Sonic, I'm gonna let you manage this one, I'll go make sure Eggman doesn't take the master emerald." Knuckles said before running off. Sonic rolled his eyes.

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