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criminal minds

Allie fumbled with her keys her eyesight slightly blurred as the uber pulled away from the house... girls night. It was fun but now her shoes were in her hand as she stepped into her house, it was dark, except for the lamp that was lit by the couch in the living room, she saw an opened book on the table. She could smell the cologne throughout the house. 

"Comforting." Allie murmured, she set her bag, and shoes down on her dining room table as she padded her way to the kitchen grabbing a gatorade from her fridge, she assumed Derek was in the washroom or something, she walked back to the living room flopping down on the couch, that's when she heard it. The soft babbling of her adopted daughter Bella through the baby monitor. She could hear Dereks footsteps as she assumed he approached the baby in the crib. Allie was worried. She was supposed to be leaving for work tomorrow, Bella was three now and sleeping through the night, she only woke up in the night when she was getting sick.

"Bella." Derek hushed through the monitor. "Your mother will be home soon and hurt me if she found out you were still up." He told her, Allie listened. More footsteps and the next time Derek talked his voice sounded further away, she assumed the two were sitting in the rocking chair now. "You know you're going to grow up to be brave, kind and beautiful, just like your mom." He told her, all Allie could do was smile. Sure Derek had complimented her to her face, and when they went out together. But it was nice to know he would do it when he had though she wasn't around. She listened for a few minutes as Derek softly hummed to her daughter. She heard Bella say something, she wasn't too sure what until Derek talked again.

"Okay little mamas, last time then bed." It was another minute before she heard talking again. "This is the ring I'm going to give your mom, I don't know when, every time I want to I cant. You're going to be just like her, a head turner not only because you're both undeniably cute. But you both have strong heads on your shoulders. She makes me feel safe, and strong, and cared for all at the same time. If you only pick up one thing from that lady I hope it's that." She heard shuffling, and then a door closed. Allie couldn't believe what she had heard. Her and Derek had been seeing each other for almost four years now, she knew she was loved and she showed love to Derek in return, but she didn't know that she made him feel safe, or cared for. Sure she cared for him. But didn't know the effects of her actions. She heard footsteps and reached up to turn off the monitor placing it back where she had picked it up from, she glanced over to Derek. He was looking down at his phone. 

"If you stare at your phone for a long time, you'll get a hunchback." She slurred to him, she watched as he looked up at her the Derek Morgan smirk on his lips as he sauntered over, he glanced at the coffee table, reaching down to turn the monitor on. Allie was glad that she had turned it off, Derek seemed relieved to see that it was off.

"When did you get home?" He questioned sitting down on the couch wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Allie nuzzled in. She shrugged her shoulder as she listened to Bella's breath over the monitor. 

"I'm not too sure, just be happy I was able to get up the stairs on my own." She spoke, the two sat in a comfortable silence. "Thank you." Allie slurred out again, she could feel Dereks stare on her now. 

"I love staying here and watching Bella, and then taking care of you." He told her.

"No not for that, for being you. We were only dating six months when I adopted Bella, and although you didn't need to you stuck around, you make her happy, and she's comfortable around you. You make me feel safe. Brave. Like I'm the prettiest girl in the room." Derek didn't say anything. Allie was sure he knew that she overheard him talking to Bella, so he didn't need to say anything. But Allie would have to thank Bella tomorrow morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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