Chapter 1: All eyes on me

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Shit, I'm hungry, my fridge is empty and the food delivery app is down. Can this get any worse?


I looked around my dirty flat to find potato chips, instant noodles, or even some Halloween candy from last year, but I had no luck.

The name's Shane, don't worry about my last name, It's pretty much dead to me. I live in the city of Iris on this wonderful Earth where everyone acts like a psycho thanks to the seven deadly sins: Sloth, Wrath, Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Greed, and Lust. Everyone develops an affinity or influence from a sin as they grow up, and I, being the shut-in teenager I was, got the short end of the stick: Sloth, which means that I really struggle to do... anything, really, and that I have a voice in my head that discourages me from being active.

Just stay in bed one more minute...

Just ignore one more person...

Being a sloth-influenced teenager fresh out of high school feels like hell itself. There's a good reason you mostly hear about Sloth folks on the internet, and it's because we're not the type to leave our rooms. I barely went to high school classes to graduate and didn't really have friends or connections, so now I just stay in a ridiculously low-end flat my parent's company gave me all day.

And before you say it, I'm not spoiled at all. The most my parents help me with is this cockroach-infected flat and some money for food from time to time. They don't really want me to live, they just want me to survive, and I don't blame them. After all, who wants the weight of their child's death on their back?

Just hate them, it's easier than blaming yourself

Ever since I started developing Sloth around my 13th birthday instead of their corporate-dirtbag, employee-abusing, stock-investing Greed, they just gave up on me. They started directing all their attention towards my younger sister who somehow, at 12 years old, was making more money in a day than I have made in my entire life. I don't even want to know what she or my parents are up to, and judging from my empty voicemail and missed calls, they don't want me to know either.

I like being uncommunicated with them, though.

I think.

You don't...

I just spend my days eating, browsing the internet, and sleeping. It's not a luxurious life at all, it's boring if anything, but it's what I'm capable of. I can't gamble, scam, or invest like those Greedy bastards, get in fights, or join the military like the Wrath idiots, and I can't even feel good about what I am like those god-complex Pride narcissists.

However, the fact that I don't go outside doesn't mean that I'm disconnected from the world. In fact, I know about all celebrity drama, world conflicts, or internet trends you can think of. I also talk with a lot of people through the internet, though it's either to argue with random people or talk with other Sloth people about how our lives go.

The only problem I have with my boring life is food. It's virtually impossible to get it without moving, aka the optimal way, so I've just settled for delivery my whole 3 months of living on my own. It might not be perfect but it does the trick.

At least it did before, but now all food delivery apps and websites were down, which wasn't a surprise considering how unlucky I've been my whole life.

After spending 3 hours until 10 pm reading articles about the effects of alcohol on rats, I tried to sleep the hunger away, but now It's midnight and the hunger is unbearable.

As lazy as I may be, I never miss a meal, even if the meal in question is potato chips and instant noodles, so this was a critical situation like no other I've faced.

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