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Author Note:

Disclaimer- I own no one in this story other than the people that I make up. Obviously. If anything offends you in any way, shape, or form, tell me and I'll take it off. 

All right reserved, please don't use my work unless I give you permission, which I probably won't.

Okay. Onwards with the story.



"You'll do great, Harry," I assured the nervous 16 year old.

"But, what if the judges hate me, and they tell me that I can't sing, and that I should just-" he stammered out.

"Harry Edward Styles, if you don't shut up I'll beat the crap out of you," I threatened, but he just laughed, knowing that I couldn't hurt a fly. "If the judges say that you can't sing, then they obviously need to get their hearing checked. You'll do fine!"

I realized that it was soon to be Harry's turn, so hurried up my pep-talk. "So go out there and kick some ass!" I shouted, maybe just a tad bit too enthusastic.

"Thanks, Rebel. I needed that."

With that, Harry made his way to the stage, where I had the feeling that our friendship of over 12 years would be changed drastically.


Hello, my little parrots!

So. Here it is. It's my first fanfiction, so feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading!

Sam xx

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