This was mine, Wilbur this was mine! Pt 2

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TW: Past self harm, past suicide attempts, screaming, physical violence

"Alright." Tubbo nodded as he stood up.

"Next up to the stage we have Wilbur Watson!" Dream called and Tommy froze where he was. Why was Wilbur preforming?

"Tommy? We going?" Tubbo asked as Tommy stared forward at the stage. Tommy shook his head but his words failed him. He watched as his brother, not brother, stranger walked up to the stage. Wilbur was all smiles and looked happy,

"Hello! My name is Wilbur Watson and I have a poem I wrote a while ago." Wilbur spoke into the mic. Tommy felt his feet were stuck to the ground.

"Tommy?" Tubbo repeated again but Tommy ignored him. Tubbo bit his lip and grabbed Tommy's coat, putting it over Tommy's shoulders so it covered his arms. Wilbur would be able to see his arms a lot better from the stage and Tubbo knew Tommy didn't want that.

"I remember the day I met her. She sat across the classroom. The first word she said to me wasn't a word. It was a simple wave. I asked her name but it didn't matter. Her eyes were the way I remembered her." Wilbur began and Tommy felt his he wanted to vomit.

"I wrote about pain I've felt for years and he's doing a love poem for his girlfriend?" Tommy said barely above a whisper. Tubbo and Ranboo almost didn't hear him over the sound of Wilbur talking into the mic.

"The way they sparkled, they told a story her lips could not speak. Her hands were soft reminders of what mattered, they were soft like rose petals. I would hold them for hours if I could. Her hugs were gentle. She never wanted to hurt anyone. They made you feel safe, they reminded you what love was. When she did speak her words were true. She spoke only to be heard" Wilbur continued and Tommy felt vile rise in the back of his throat but he swallowed quickly.

"Tommy we can still go." Tubbo offered but Tommy shook his head.

"The way she spoke was the right way. Not rude, never to insult. But just to remind you that you would be okay. I would listen to her for hours. She was perfect. Growing up I never knew perfect. My mom was gone, and my brothers were distant. But she reminded me of what perfect was. And I wish that I could spend every moment with her. Just to feel loved forever." Wilbur finished and smiled. There was clapping heard around the shop.

"Can we go now?" Tubbo asked and Tommy nodded, blinking a few times as he looked away from the stage. He fully put his arms through his coat before walking towards the door.

They just about made it to Ranboo's car when they all heard a voice shouting.


And of course who else would it be but Wilbur. Tommy groaned and grabbed the door to the car, but it was locked.

"Ranboo unlock the door." Tommy said and Ranboo nodded, struggling with his keys to unlock the door. Curse it being an older car with no button to unlock all the doors.

"Tommy!" Wilbur called as he ran up to them, still a few feet from Tommy.

"What?" Tommy snapped, not looking over at him but staring forward at the car.

"I didn't know you were going to be auditioning for this, why didn't you want us to come and support you? Is it because of what you wrote?" Wilbur asked but Tommy didn't answer. "Because what you wrote, I don't think that it's true, or you could say things like that. Mom was never your fault and you don't need to hate yourself for it. And also your arms, what happened?" Wilbur spoke so quickly that Tommy was growing impatient.

"Just drop it Wilbur. We're leaving. See you back at the house at some point." Tommy said as Ranboo was able to make it into his car door.

"No Tommy, I haven't been here for you and I need answers on what happened while I was gone. What happened to your arms? Why did you write that stuff?" Wilbur pressed more.

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