Only Two Sith

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Lymia's POV

Mustafar: A planet of certain doom. I stepped out of my ship and beads of sweat rolled down my back. The air was stifling and I flicked my hood down as a wave of unease swept over me. I stood outside my ship and reached out into the Force. And that's when the vision started.

I heard the familiar hum of an ignited lightsaber come from behind me. I turned around and met the gleaming yellow eyes of another Sith, only he held a pure blue blade in his hand. I ignited my saber and leapt for him. . .

I blinked and came back to reality. Another Sith? Did my master know about him? I stalked back up the ramp and commed him. While they patched me through, I sat in my chair and huffed a strand out of my eye. Who was this other Sith?

Palpatine's POV

"Sir? You have an incoming comm message. From Mustafar." I scowled and waved the droid away. It had to Darth Lymia. She had a few hours head start on Anakin.

"I've had a vision Master. Another Sith appeared on Mustafar." I sighed under my breath. I had hoped that Darth Lymia and Darth Vader would miss each other. But no, my very Force sensitive apprentice had to go and have a vision.

"Master?" she asked, and I turned back and studied her image.

"When he arrives, kill him. There can only be two Sith."

"Yes master," she said, and her image disappeared. I sat back in my chair and clenched my hand. I then placed a comment to Anakin. A tiny image of him flickered to life.

"Yes master?"

"Once you reach Mustafar, there is another Sith waiting for you. This is one of your first tests as my apprentice. Kill her. There can only be two Sith." He nodded and the image shimmered and disappeared.

There. Now I could see who the strongest apprentice was. But the more I thought about this plan, the more distressed I became. Could I really let one of these powerful Force users die because of my careless mistake?

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