Someone sent me a dm that said this. She/he asked my to keep it anonymous, so yeah, please give her/him advice :)
Okay, I'm kinda a bit worried and scared, right. Soooooo, I am really scared that maybe love, true love is just a story that adults tell to, I don't know, get us to sleep at night, soothe us when we are worried, you know, a bit like santa, the tooth fairy, easter bunny, all that lot. I read LOADS if fanfics, in all if them, it's true love, but I'm starting to wonder whether it's just a fairy story. Only I think adults like to believe this one just as much as children. I guess it's our only grasp of magic, our escape from reality, our fallback. Everyone wants to be happy, and most kids, as they get older, dream of finding that person, especially girls. Wow, that was deep, but somehow very true, people say, being 'too young' should not be an excuse, but this time, in this case, it is. Whether we like it or not, we are too young too find out whether true love exists of not. That's the cold hard truth.