Please don't leave

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Os: Adiya!
Os request: Aditya kidnaps Zoya and she realizes her love for him and they have a "blissful night" ...😉

Mention: I'll like to make it clear that it's not a "fall in love with my kidnapper" scenario that I strictly said that I won't be writing about because I'll be using  the track where Adi "kidnapped" Zoya and her mom slapped Adi and all... but with a little twist hope you understand the concept now. Happy reading 🤗

Aditya enters in Zoya's room via the window.
"Zoya Siddiqui wake up" he says not loud but enough for her to hear.
"Aditya what are you doing here". Zoya asks  startled.
"Zoya we need to talk right now"
"Aditya stop this nonsense my parents and Noor will notice if I'm missing we'll talk tomorrow I'm not going anywhere with you"
"No I said now Zoya because tomorrow you won't see me anymore" he grabs her arm
"Aditya leave me alone stop my parents will notice" she tries to yell "have you gone mad? " He carries her and gets out by the window.
Aditya Hooda stop this madness she pushes him. He looks at her.
"Zoya get in the car right now" his eyes red full of anger.  She enters in the car with tears in her eyes.  "Aditya slow down you're going to kill us where are we going"
"Aditya I'm talking to you WHERE ARE WE GOING" she yells with tears threatening to fall.
"To the hotel Zoya" he answers with no emotion in his voice.
"We are here get out of the car Zoya"
Zoya gets out of the car with fear apparent on her face
"Hi' I'm here to book a room for us"
"Great for how many days sir?"
"Oh only for a day ma'am" he answers looking at Zoya.
"Great your room number is 14 have a good night sir" says the receptionist
"Get in Zoya I won't hurt you I promise"
She looks at him fearfully. " you broke my trust aditya hooda"
He closes the door and closes his eyes hearing Zoya call him Hooda.
"Zoya I'm sorry-"
Zoya shows him her hand "please I don't care about your remorses tell me why are you doing this can't you see that you're breaking me. Aditya I'm engaged please go find yourself someone else there are plenty of other woman that would love to be with you" she says with a prick in her heart after saying the last sentence.
"There are Zoya but they aren't you I only love you why can't you understand it?"
"I even put your fiancé shoes on like you asked me and you know that I'm a man of  pride and I did this only for you why can't you understand my love for you , you're hurting me"
"Zoya look at me and tell me that you have no feelings for me"
Zoya looks at him with tears "Adi"
Say it Zoya and I promise that tomorrow you'll never hear of Aditya Hooda anymore.

"Wh-what do you mean by tomorrow I'll never hear of you  Aditya?" She asks with tears in her eyes. "Are you leaving me alone again Adi ?"
Zoya rigorously shakes her head and circles her legs on Aditya's waist. "No,no,NO you're not leaving me Aditya stop this" she says with a panicked tone.
"Zoya look at me" he lifts her chin up
"No Aditya don't leave me please I can't leave without you please "
"Zoya calm down look at me, sit on the bed and breath"
They both sit on the bed
"Zoya look at me please" he asks with concern
"Why are you hiding your feelings for me?"
"Adi I don't want you to suffer my Abbu's wrath please" she asks with tiredness evident on her voice due to her crying
"Zoya tomorrow-"
She jumps on his lap and looks at him in the eyes"
Aditya looks at her with shock. He didn't expect Zoya to look that broken.
"No Aditya no tomorrow please I don't want you to go" she looks at him with her eyes full of tears.
"Zoya why are you so affected by my departure " she looks at him directly with no answer.
"Answer me Zoya tell me WHY" he shakes her gently.
"Because I love you Aditya Hooda" I love you so much that all I do is think about you day and night you're always on my mind Adi. "You're my oxygen Aditya and if you leave I won't be able to breathe" she finally confesses.
Aditya eyes widens. "Zoya you also love me then why were you hiding it"
" I was having sleepless nights thinking that the girl I love would never love me back" tell me he asks her with tears in eyes.
"Because I'm scared Aditya I never felt this way with anyone before not even Yash and it scares   me to think that I never loved Yash. I'm scared of not recognizing love. I'm scared of not being a good wife to the man that deserves everything in this world Aditya. "I don't want to fail you"
"Zoya look at me you will never fail me your love is too pure" I love you he says.
"I love you too Aditya" she answers with a smile.
Aditya looks at Zoya lips "Can I?" He leans towards her waiting for an answer
"I'm all yours Adi" she answers back
Aditya kisses her lips then  neck and looks at her eyes. She shakes her head  giving him her consent. She closes her eyes feeling his lips on her skin. "I love you too much Adi don't ever leave me again"
"I won't ever again.. as long as you're by my side Zoya"And then the sheets were covered... and acted like there was no tomorrow because a lot will happen the next day...

Adiya's OS (on hold, but still send request)Where stories live. Discover now