The Wedding

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When the princesses heard of Discord's sudden reformation, it was no surprise that they were skeptical about the situation. It was Luna who eased their worry when she said:

"You gave me a second chance, sister. Why should you not do the same for him?"

Needless to say, it took an earthquake for Discord to gain their trust. After he saved Canterlot from a natural disaster, Princess Celestia saw that he had truly reformed.

Of course, it was difficult for Discord to go from plotting against Equestria to doing good deeds, but for the sake of pleasing his beloved, he controlled himself. Most of the time. He still played a few pranks on ponies every now and then, but hey, he was the Lord of Chaos, after all.

Life in Equestria could not have been better, especially for Fluttershy and Discord. Now that the tension was lost between them, their dates were less stressful. When he was not spending his time with her, the draconequus was helping ponies with their problems. For instance, he settled a disagreement between Spitfire and Rainbow Dash. It turned out that the prior was giving the latter a hard time because she was jealous of her and Soarin. He also used his magic to protect Equestria from disasters, making Fluttershy the proudest pony in the world.

It was a year following their confession when he proposed again.

He had surprised her while on a picnic, making a ring box appear and popping the question, as he had done a year ago, only this time, she was more than willing to say yes. He gave her the very same ring, but the inscription had changed.

"To my one and only Fluttershy," she read, "the love of my life, the apple of my eye, my other half. Without you, my life is empty. I still think that one day I'm going to wake up and meeting you was all a dream, but if it is, I'll take it. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I hope you can say the same about me."

She then realized she had been turning the ring over and over, the message continuing. She looked up at the draconequus.

"I'm not going to ask how you managed to fit all that in."

He chuckled. "Believe me. That's the short version!"

It took a month to plan the wedding. It was even bigger than when Cadence and Shining Armor had gotten married. Hundreds of ponies came from Ponyville and nearly every pony in Canterlot attended. Even though few were fond of the groom, inter-species marriages were very rare. Of course, many were skeptical of the match, but if pegasi, unicorns and earth ponies could get along, why could a pegasus not marry a draconequus?

On the big day, the bridesmaids hastened to get Fluttershy ready. Rarity, obviously, had made dresses for all of them, including the flower girls: Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Twilight was performing the ceremony.

"Oh, you look absolutely gorgeous, darling!" Rarity exclaimed once she had made the final adjustments to Fluttershy's gown.

She directed her toward the mirror and Fluttershy thought she was looking at another pony. Her dress was simple, but elegant, with a vine design for trimming. Her veil hung from a wreath of pink roses, which sat perfectly atop her curled hair.

"Rarity," she marveled. "It's beautiful!"

"You're beautiful, Fluttershy!" Rarity hailed. "I only made you better!"

Rainbow Dash laughed. "I never thought you'd be the first of us to get married, Fluttershy."

The unicorn sighed. "Yes. I thought it would be me, as I did catch Cadence's bouquet, but...oh, you really do look the part, sweetie!"

"Maybe you'll be next, Rainbow," Applejack chuckled, teasingly poking the blue pegasus in the side. "Soarin might pop the question any day now!"

"Ooh!" Pinkie chimed. "Then we can have another wedding! How does next week sound?"

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