27.Trouble again

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The trio were in their class right now.Taehyung is fully focused on the lecture meanwhile a whipped bunny have his all focus on a certain bear.Jungkook is never leaving any movements of his Tae bear.If he is writing lecture notes,asking any doubts to the professor or occasionally fixing his glasses with his index finger everything was captured by the Bambi eyes of the bunny.

"Tae bear~"Jungkook whispered only to heard by Taehyung but got no reply as Taehyung very well know for what his bunny is calling him.
Jungkook pouted at the lack of response and again tried.
"My baby bear~"Taehyung sighed at the whiny voice as he slowly turned his gaze towards his bunny.
"What?"the nerd Kim won't like it when he is disturbed during his classes but the college badboy is an exception.
"I'm bored"came the reply just as he expected.
"Focus on the lecture Koo.Don't mess around"Taehyung glared at the badboy who pouted more now making Taehyung to sigh again at his brat bunny.
"I will give you kisses after this lecture if you attend it with your full focus"Taehyung decided to play his last card to make his bunny focused on his class.Moreover the offer was satisfying for both of them just not only for the bunny.
Jungkook nodded his head vigorously with a wide bunny smile turning his focus on his books not before winking at Taehyung.

Just as Taehyung promised they were kissing hungrily inside the washroom right now.
Jungkook didn't wait for the professor to leave the class as he dragged his Taebear outside the class just at the exact moment the bell rang.
They were literally eating each other's faces for the past 5 minutes now.
Taehyung was chewing and biting on his bunny's bottom lips who was moaning shamelessy into the kiss.
Jungkook desperately unbuttoned few of his shirt buttons before gently pushing Taehyung's head to his chest and leading his lips to his left nipple.Taehyung didn't wait a second to fulfill his bunny's wish as he took it whole in his mouth and sucked on them like no tommorrow.His right hand made it's way to caress and squeeze the other breast as his left hand is already on the others waist holding him close to himself.
Jungkook pulled Taehyung's hairs in a tight grip as he started to chew on his nipples.Taehyung never know the word gentle when it comes to his soft petals or the heavenly swells of his bunny.And this is the way the badboy loves it too.

After their long make out they made their way to canteen to have lunch with Jimin without noticing the closed door of the last cubicle.
Just after the badboy and the nerd left the washroom ,the last cubicle door opened and came out John with a devil smirk on his face clearly indicating that he heard everything happened in that washroom a while ago.

It was after their last class everybody was packing their stuff to make their leave when someone came to inform that Taehyung is called by professor Choi.Jungkook insisted to go with him and they both made their way to the professor.

Jungkook was now waiting outside the teachers cabin as Taehyung got inside to meet the professor.After a while Taehyung came outside.

"Koo professor Choi wants me to help him with evaluating the assignments.It will take some time."It was not unusual for Taehyung as he is the favorite student of professor Choi.He always ask Taehyung's help in something related to the academics which Taehyung is glad to help.
"Okay I will wait here"Jungkook shrugged his shoulders as he didn't decide to leave his bear alone in the college by himself.
Taehyung let out a sigh at his guardian bunny "Okay you go to the canteen then.I will be there soon after completing this.Don't stand here for that long"Taehyung pushed Jungkook to the direction of canteen without leaving any room of argument.Jungkook shook his head knowing very well he have to obey his bear anyways.

Finally Taehyung was done with his work after half an hour and made his way to his boyfriend don't want to make him wait anymore.
But  before he could make it to canteen someone dragged him to an empty classroom after locking it from inside.

Taehyung gulped seeing  John,Yungji and Minsoo along with some girls and boys which he is very familiar as they all proposed the college badboy  more than one time in Taehyung's presence.

Taehyung tried to take out his phone to call Jungkook but before he can Minsoo twisted his hands taking the phone from him.
Yungji choked Taehyung to the wall and John held his hands on place for the others to do their part too.
A girl came forward and held Taehyung's jaw in a tight grip making him groan in pain."You fucking nerd.How dare you to make the Jeon Jungkook fall in your trap.huh?How did you seduce him.Tell me you whore.The entire college proposed him.We are still running behind him shamelessly.Still he chose you.YOU the kim fucking nerd of the college"She tightened her grip oh Taehyung's jaw spilling the words on his face.

Minsoo kicked him on his stomach.Taehyung wince in pain at that."How is the Jeon Jungkook in the bed huh?Did he fuck you good you pathetic whore?How did you even get there?By sucking his dick like the desperate bitch you are?What did Jungkook even see in you-"  Before Minsoo could complete his word there was a loud banging on the door.
"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR"Jungkook roared banging on door with more force at last breaking it open.
Jungkook's eyes searched a specific figure and when he found his bear pinned on the wall he fisted his hands tightly turning his knuckles go White.

After 45 minutes of wait when  Jungkook finally decided to go to the professor's cabin to check on his Tae bear there was no one to be found.So he was searching for his bear through the whole college by now.Thats when he heard some sounds from the closed classroom.

Minsoo's grip on Taehyung loosened as the three slowly backed away from him.The other boys and girls tried to sneak away slowly but Jungkook closed the door turning towards them with a dark gaze which made them gulp knowing very well they all will be dead meat today.

Taehyung was standing there unfazed with a blank face.He was not at all trying to calm down Jungkook like always nor moving from his place.Jungkook can't understand what's going on in his bear's mind right now.He is not even looking at Jungkook.

Jungkook made his way to the boys to teach them the lesson they forgot when they dared to lay their hands on his Tae bear.


What's going on in Taehyung's mind?👀

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