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When it came to her hair Jordyn was very nitpicky. In her eyes, it never sat quite right and there was always something wrong with it. She gave up on trying to keep her hair neat long ago and made do with what she had. At least in terms of hairstyles.

If she couldn't change her curls, she could change their color. For two years now, Jordyn has been dying her hair. She initially tried going blonde, but she soon realized that she didn't feel comfortable with that color. It then changed to a red-orange color and stayed that way ever since.

What she didn't enjoy, however, was the actual process to achieve the color. She wished she didn't have to dye her hair every other month because it was a true burden but usually Joe had a hairdresser who made it less annoying. Although, whenever they went on vacation, they trusted Jordyn to do it herself; a temporary measure.

This is how Joe ended up on a chair in front of Adam. He sectioned her hair, a bowl of hair dye next to them on the table. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm ready."

"Are you sure you want Adam to do it, sweetheart?" Tasha questioned the girl as she remained beside Adam.

"Yes, I trust him," Joe said, not having to lie. It was the truth. If there was one person she trusted with her life and hair, it was Adam. He always gave his best and would not risk making his best friend unhappy.

"As sweet as that is, I don't trust myself. One time I put too much hair growth cream on Bree which had her looking like Chewbacca for a week straight," Adam argued but still started, not giving her any time to reconsider.

"On second thought, maybe stay and oversee this. Will you, Tasha?"

Tasha nodded and stayed in place. "Don't worry, that was my plan all along."

"Good, I also feel safer with you here," Adam admitted.

And so he got to work.


Everyone in the lab was working tirelessly on replicating Bree's chip. Everyone except Tasha and the two arrivals.

Adam clapped his hands as he entered the lab, keeping Jordyn behind him to prevent her from ruining his big 'unveiling'.

"Guys! All eyes on me, please. Attention! I present to you my new masterpiece," he announced and stepped away to showcase Joe. "Voila!"

Aside from Joe's beaming expression, no one knew what they were supposed to be seeing. Their confused glances eased the girl's nerves and she shrieked happily, hugging Adam.

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