
21 2 5

Sometimes, sometimes, I wish I was dead.
I am so tired of all of this pain.
When I just wanted to be happy,
You crushed my soul, destroyed me.

Why's it, why's it, why is it so hard
To have a loving family and a normal life ?
What did I do to deserve this ?
I just don't get it.

My brain, my brain keeps on telling me :
"You must end your life if you want to be free.
With a knife, or maybe, too many medicine ?
It will be your last sin."

But my heart, my heart still doesn't want to die.
There's still a glimmer of hope in it, not gonna lie.
But tell me, what is this hope for
If it just hurts me more ?

And that's how, that's how, long ago, began
A horrible fight between my heart and my brain.
They fought for weeks, for months, on and on,
And today, I know which one won...

Tonight, tonight, lying on my bed,
I look at the last shreds of my heart I managed to save.
Well, I guess now is the time
I leave. Goodbye everyone.


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