Chapter 7 - Part 1

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Chapter 7

Part 1

Nicole’s POV

“Urgh, my head is killing me.” Sophie said as she sat up in bed, holding her head.

I chuckled silently. I might not have felt the symptoms of a hangover myself, but I have enough experience and knowledge about them from all the wild nights me, Sophie and the girls have had in past years, and I know all the things not to do that will cause the victim any further pain.

“Here you go,” I said as I gave her an aspirin and a glass of water, just like I had to the other bridesmaids.

She took them quickly, wincing at the bitter taste. “Thanks.”

I made sure the medicine kicked in before I pulled open the curtains to her bedroom window. “You better get out of bed soon Soph, before the women come in and begin to belt out wedding tunes.”

She groaned. “You’re lying.”

I grinned, “Nope. I specifically was ordered to at least join in a few bars of “’Here comes the bride.’

She groaned once more as she got out of bed. “Why am I doing this again? Please remind me, because right now all I want to do is crawl back into bed.”

I watched her walk into the bathroom as I sat down on her bed. “Because you are marrying the man of your dreams, and you want to make sure that everyone else knows that you’re his and he is yours.” Then I paused. “Though how you see that in my brother is beyond me.”

Her head popped out of the bathroom, her mouth covered in toothpaste and her hair wildly framing her face. “He is the sweetest, funniest, the most sensitive and handsome man in the world, and nothing else in the world is more precious. So therefore he is my perfect man.”

I was having a really hard time of not chuckling at the sight of her, but her speech made me laugh. Not her actual words, because I was really touched that she loved my brother so much.

But with the toothpaste in her mouth all I had heard was, “He ish the shweetsh, funnisht, the mosht shenshitive and handshome man in the world, and nothing elsh in the world ish more preshioush…”

She rolled her eyes and ducked back into the bathroom, and I could hear her spit into the sink. She came back out, playful annoyance on her face. “You’re just jealous.”

My heart sank, though I made sure the smile was still on my face.

Yes, I was jealous. Because the man I was getting married to was, in my opinion, Satan himself.

And unlike Sophie and Justin’s marriage, mine was all business and no love. It was a sham, and therefore covered in lies.

My smile must have looked strained because Sophie immediately looked worried. “Hey, you know I was joking. I know you and Isaac are just as in love as me and Justin are.”

I smiled at her, while relief washed through me. She hadn’t remembered yesterday, and though I knew she would remember after a later date (either her memory would return on its own, or Justin would remind her. Because if Justin had the same suspicion as Sophie had, and had done the same thing to Isaac yesterday as Sophie did to me, then there was no way he would forget as Justin was just as much of a light-weight as I was and therefore would have drank a lot but forgotten nothing) I was glad that my problems wasn’t going to ruin the happiest day of her life.

She smiled, and then shuddered when the door banged open and the two mothers (my mum and Sophie’s mum) came in, followed by the slightly woozy, yet bright eyed, bridesmaids.

The mothers took one look at Sophie, shook their heads, then took in my messy ponytail and sweats, but very cheerful and healthy complexion and nodded.

“Well, let’s get to work ladies. We have a lot to do in just a few hours.” Sophie’s mum said as she put an arm around her daughter.

Sophie looked at me mirroring my expression of horror. Crimping and beautifying here we come.

Isaac’s POV

I straightened my tie, fidgeting as I had nothing else to do that would help my uncomfortable feeling as I sat with my parents in the limo.

It had been 10 minutes already, and none of them had said a word, which of course meant that what they were thinking was kind of bad. Especially when it was my father who was silent, then you know you are in trouble.

My mother spoke first. “Why didn’t tell me? Do you know how embarrassing it was, to have to hear it at the same time as everyone else? I mean I wasn’t able to feel proud or happy when people congratulated me, I was so shocked.”

I sighed. “I’m sorry Mum. But I thought Dad would have told you.”

Dad looked surprised. “And I was supposed to know when?”

I rolled my eyes, “I told you I was planning to propose to my long-term girlfriend soon.”

“Yes but that is the thing, Isaac.” My mother said, interrupting whatever it was Dad wanted to say, but I had no doubt that my father was going to say the same thing my mother was saying now. “You never even told us you were seeing someone! How was we supposed to take you seriously with your track record?”

“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to ruin it for me.” I said, my voice sounding sincere as I was speaking a sort of truth. If they did found out about what was happening, they would immediately stop it and disinherit me for sure.

My father shook his head, as if he was exasperated. “Nicole is well bred, well educated, and very beautiful. Why on earth do you think I would ruin it for you?”

“Because I thought you would give me a load of crap about not keeping a professional relationship with my PA.” I said, thinking of an excuse at the top of my head.

He rolled his eyes. “She’s not exactly a proper employee though, is she? She is just trying to gain some experience and a reputation before she goes off on her own or continue on to a much higher position in the company.”

“And not to mention she is the daughter of some of our closest friends. So no, I don’t think your father would have harassed you about your choice.” Mum continued.

I sighed. “Well, I you know now, that’s all that matters.”

But this was my parents, and I knew they wouldn’t drop the subject yet.

“Do you honestly love her?” My mother asked, uncertainty crossing her face.

I looked straight in her eyes so she knew I wasn’t lying. “I care for her deeply. We belong together.”

And it was the truth, because after my epiphany last night, I couldn’t think of her leaving me. I was in too deep already, and this was just a business arrangement.

I finally understood the saying about not mixing business with pleasure. It complicates the hell out of everything.

She sighed, and even Dad looked relieved.

I stared out of the window, to show that I had no more to say on the matter.

If only they knew what was really happening. I was marrying a girl that would rather see my beheaded. And I was beginning to feel more for her than I should.

This arrangement is going to be more interesting than I thought.


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Love xxxx :D

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