Deuce Spade

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Deuce, oh sweet, sweet Loosey Deucey... he is definitely super smitten with you, dearest reader, the blush is so clear on his face that I dare say it is redder than an angry Riddle! Deuce is definitely more of the shy yet protective type, he does get flustered easily but he will protect you like a vicious guard dog! (Such a good boy! Aww!)

Deuce wants to be the best man he can possibly be around you! He means it! This may even help him greatly in being a better "honor student" if he can manage a relationship with you! He may take the whole "princely sweetheart" role a bit to the extreme sometimes but he has a genuine heart. Give him a chance, dear!

His acts of service speak more than words ever could, there is no denying that! He is definitely a model boyfriend in that department. Deuce will do anything with or without you asking him to do so, you only need to watch and observe.

Like the others, he will do even the simplest of things like opening doors and carrying you belongings, but he is also incredibly protective. He will defend you at all costs, you are special to him and those who are special to him must be protected at all costs. Even if his life is on the line, he will protect you until the end. (No seriously, he takes the knight in shining armor role a bit too seriously-)

When alone he loves to hold you close, he wants you to be close to him. He tells you that when he was little, his mother would tell him that if you love someone very much that you should always hold them to your heart. He took that literally, but I bet that you do not mind listening to his steady heartbeat. Oh but- do note that if you say something that flusters him it may sound like it may combust.

Deuce, oh the sweet little Romeo, he writes cheesy letters spilling all his deepest love and adoration for you. They may seem a bit much at times but it's the thought that counts! They are actually rather sweet to read, he is such an adorable simp for you!

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