Jude of the courts

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You meet a girl named Julia Marthro  and soon eventually start dating her she also escaped north korea so you get along together eventually you marry her and have 2 kids now. But one day on october 16 2028 she goes missing the case was annomus so no one knew who it was it was never released your kids say she was murdered by somone by the name of government trooper. You know you need to evaluate you and your kids beacuse they suspect you there and you never came out of the basment for a year.

When you came out your house was blown up. You were lucky you went in the basment or else you would of been toast. Then you were tazed. You were tied to a chair you were in a eletric chair. "Any last words?" Your goverment said. "I hate my life" you say. Then you passed out. Then you wake up in the worst place ever the place where they decompose bodies. Your worst nightmare came true next to you is Julia Marthro your wife... In fact your gonna be decomposed in 10 minutes. You find some clothes and run.

You are running and running you've got 5 employees chasing you. And you've gone too far... to far you've ran 10 miles. "Holy hell!" "Never have I ran 10 miles Jeez!" You say. You go home terrified and miserable.
"Dad!" Your kids say. "Yes?" You say. "Where's mom?" Asked Alex. "She's..." You say. "Died...." "No mom!!!" Kayden says. Knock know. "This is the FBI open up or we'll have to open it ourselves" the FBI says. "Dad? Are you hiding something?" Kayden says. "I was supposed to tell you when you were older..." You say.

"So I've been lied this whole time?" "Yes Kayden and Alex"  "Eu sei que existem segredos e sinto muito por desobedecer você, mas eu tenho que pai." Kayden says. "Why Kayden... He's our father he wanted a better life" Alex whispered. "What did you say Kayden?" "Nothing dad"  The FBI approached you..

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