How we got here (prologue)

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A new law was passed, every girl with a power significant enough to standard must be taken and tested on then possibly sold. They wanted to give these powers to the men. You see, long time ago there was a virus and i aint talking about corona, im talking about heller 34, or atleast thats what everyone called it back then, this virus was particularly sexist, would harm the men, and boost women. People back in 2030 didnt really know what to do, they tried everything, from vacines to injecting, or even taking pills and getting surgeries to become female. But that didnt work, sorry trans girls. Trans males however, the went down on the social ladder, it was frowned apon to be a trans male because that meant the law couldnt take you if you had a great power. Anyways they had to let the mens bodies become immune by themselves. Yet men are stil "better than women" in society, men find ways to make up for what they lack against women. 4039 is the year and i just turned 14, now your probably asking yourself "why are you here?" well i'll tell you. You see i was born into a poor family, that craved money and i was born with a great power well multiple actually one of few these days. The 50 percent of female who arent captured are either wealthy or their powers arent significant enough which leaves them in a tight spot because they are out in the world with the males, not all of them are bad, but most are. I was taken as soon as i hit 9 years old, 12:00 on the dot i was wisked away. My family was put out of poverty for their cooperation. My powers, being telekinesis and invisibilty, with no limits i might add. That puts me in the .001% of the population. How about i tell you the story from the night i was taken.
-cue flashback-
Starting with the morning before my birthday
*beeep* *beeep*
I slam my palm against the alarm clock i got for my last birthday. I ran downstairs to see what day it was on the calendar. The day before my birthday huh? Well im SOOOOO excited to be sold off. To be honest, not really tho.
"ARINE!" i heard my mother yell, that was my older sister, she was 12, she was one off the unlucky few that didnt have a power. She stumbled down the stairs like a zombie. Her bright orange hair is knotted like crazy. Her pajamas has stains on them, im surprised she wasnt taken for her looks. She was gorgeous, when her hair was brushed it might as well be silk. Her bright toxic green eyes sleepily blinks she waves at me and walks into the kitchen, i peek from behind the corner, my Mother hugs Arine,
"Theres my beauty, are you ready for breakfast" her smile is huge, her dark brown hair is neatly put into a ponytail, the same eyes as my sister, it kinda runs in the family, well everyone had the same bright toxic green eyes besides for me and my dad, but thats beside the point. My mom was dressed in her usual jeans with a lavander colored shirt with an apron on. I notice she is staring at me. Dangit i must have gotten lost in thought.
"Cyber? Are you alright"
I panic
"Yes mother" i respond talking a bit faster than i intended.
"Well good, come get some breakfast, then you can go up to your room and pack the things you want with you, then we can go to your favorite place!"
"ok" i shot back sounding as cheery as possible
I walk into the kitchen grabbed the poptart mother had made me amd ran up to my room.
-end of flash back-
The rest of the day i pretty much spent with my dad, His long white hair matches mine with the same red eyes. Oh and i did bring some stuff with me, blankets toys you know stuff a 9 year old would bring. Along with being so powerful gives me privilages i pretty much get stuff like comfy bed and snacks etc. Just kt still feels like a prison,we are ordered at 8:00 to write how our day went and what we are feeling in a mental health log. I have faked every single one of those. Saying that i kinda like it here and im ok. The list could go on about how i have been able to single handingly trick all the gaurds of my innocence, they think im dumb but the "albino" as people from innovation (21 century) times would say,  markings are a sign of intelligence, and if your asking no my skin isnt white, its the tan, olive, native american looking skin my mother has, my dad is a full albino. But yea, they think im stupid so they pretty much try to play me like a violin and try to test certain limits of my power and i let them. But im getting tired of it. Its not as funny as it used to be. Tommorow I will have tests runned on me for my IQ and power level
The IQ one is easy to fake, being book smart and not street smart is what they want. Good thing im both street smart amd book smart. Power level however is unfakable. Tommorow also marks the day i will go up for auction/being sold. Hopefully, if i do get sold it wont be to a bad person. Usually the people who get sold get sold to rich people, most of them are men, which you know how that is. Bad, its bad most of the time. Oh well, it cant be that bad can it?
-cue drift off to sleep scene-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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