。.⊹ฺThank you drew.⊹ฺ. 。<3 ✿

586 7 5

Timeline: middle school 🍒。.゚。.゚。
Ships: drake🍓。.゚。.゚。.゚。.゚。.゚。.゚。
|Idk the bullys name so.|
|I just call them “bully with|
|Blue eyes” “bully with green|
|Eyes” I'll only try to name out|
|The eyes. And hair of the bullys|
|Drew knew henry and Liam|
|But they wasn't close that much|
|Henry and Liam is closer they|
|Knew each other before drew|
drew is in a different class🍓。.゚。.
Then Jake 🍒。.゚。.゚。.゚。.゚。.゚。.゚
☆゚.*・。゚3rd person ・ :
- It was a wonder fun day in middle school. Well for everyone else but Jake a boy with peach hair, he was getting bullied as usual.. bye people who didn't get him People who looked down on him because he liked to sing. Singing. They thought that only girls can sing They called him a "loser." A "girly girl." Even more then that. -
                ( Present )
- Jake was getting to school until he accidentally ran into someone on accident. He was late for class
He tumbled “im sorry!-” “ugh. Watch where your going freak!” the blue dark eyed boy said yelling. Jake had a terrified look, he got up and just rand away the blue dark eyed bully just stared at him and got up brushing off his pants. -
- “why do I keep running into people I have to be more careful. I'm already the laughing stock at school..” he yattered to himself, he made it to his class everyone just stared at him Some just chuckled to themselves. “hi Jake can you tell me why your late? Your interrupting.” the teacher Mrs Fritz said she was huffing. Jake knew she was pissed maybe because there's a big test. -
- “sorry Mrs F. I had a hard time” “its ok Jake but we all know it's the test today. Get in your seat” the teacher sighs annoyingly. Jake just went to his seat and sat in it he's in the back with one of his bullys they often kick there leg or throw paper balls at Jake when he's focused. -
- “ok students let's just get it started.” the teacher just started talking about the test. As the teacher talked. The students just was huffing “its so boring.” one of the students said “yeah, let's ask Jake to sing for us!” most of the students just laughed some chuckled others just stared because they didn't want to be a bully. But they didn't help Jake not once, Jake just looked down at his desk. -
- he was scared to really care. He didn't want to sing anymore. Because of them The teacher looked at the students “is there something funny going on here.” “no teach-” one of Jake's bullys said with a smile “GOOD. NOW CAN YOU ALL PLEASE LISTEN THIS ISNT FUNNY OR A FUNNY MATTER...This is an important test.” they all just stared at the teacher as she hit her arm on one of the students desk to grab there attention, they looked shocked and just stared at the teacher “ah yes now let's carry on go to your reading books go to page 89.” Mrs Fritz demand. -
- they all listened and just did what she asked so did Jake. Jake's mind was on a lot of stuff that's when it hit him he forgot his reading book.. he was scared he looked around in his desk he must of had forgotten it at home, he looked down scared he didn't wanna ameliate himself -
- one of the students noticed “ Mrs Fritz Jake doesn't have the math book!” Jake just turned to stear at the student. The student just stared at him and smirked the other students just said “oOo Jake's in troubleee” others chuckled others ignored it. “is that true Jake?” the teacher said yelling at him Jake was scared to make eye contact with the teacher so he just nodded -
- the teacher sighed she didn't care. She just wanted to know if it was true if he didn't have a book. “its ok Jake I have an extra” some of the students sat there angry they wanted him to get yelled at some acted like they was tired yawning. “stop interrupting are class jake” one of the students said with a smile on there face “yeahh” one of the others agreed. “shush. Let's hurry go to your seat jake” the teacher said. “ok..” he walked back he was relieved that the teacher wasn't going to yell at him. -
- he sat down on his chair then the lesson began. The test was tomorrow, so after hours of learning the class was dismissed. They had free time they have free time two times “ok students you can all leave now you all did great! Also Timmy I'm going to have to talk to you.” the teacher called a random student Jake didn't recognize the students started to run to the blue door that was heading outside. They pushed it and they all rand outside to the playground -
- some students played on the swing's some played tag others drawing everyone but Jake. Jake was standing there he would surely get into a fight or get picked on or even worse. He didn't wanna take the chances so he didn't play he just sat down and playing with the rocks the teacher noticed she was sitting on her chair “jake? Are you ok why aren't you playing with the class” the teacher asked -
- Jake looked at the ground silently “uh.. I like playing with rocks heh.. I have a collection” he lied he wanted to make it up so the teacher don't get suspicious of him and why he isn't playing with everyone, the teacher nodded “i see well if you ever wanna play you can.” the teacher walked inside “ill get you guys when the hours come” the students just ignored her and kept playing -
- Jake sighed “atleast I'm sa-..” he looked up to hear a unpleasant voice “well well we'll.. look who it is the freak singer, why don't you go run along and sing with the girls” the bully laughed the other two boys laughed as well Jake just looked down “please don't hurt me. And I-i don't like singing anymore I swe-” “you liar. We all know your still a sissy. And always will be” one of the boys grabbed chips from the playground floor and threw it at Jake “HAHAHA GOOD ONE” the other said. Jake looked down terrified -
- a little girl walked to them “come on g-guys.. leave him alone..” and your probably thinking the girl is daisy no. It's a random girl. “yeah sure sing with your freaky boyfriend you both belong to each other you freak singers” the bully walked away with his goons, Jake then thanked the little girl “your welcome! My name is Lola what's yours?” “my name is Jake..” “well goodbye jake” the little girl walked off to her friends Jake was thankful she did something other than the others. The students didn't care, others was sad for Jake but didn't do anything about it they didn't even tell the teachers. -
- Jake looked down and he was just blank. He then got up and went inside sneakingly he then noticed the teacher “jake what are you doing in?” “uh can I go to the bathroom..” “sure jake.” Jake, then walked away to the bathroom he felt all tingly. Like his eyes was going to water he sat down then started crying.. -
- “why can't I be normal for once. I just wanna be someone else.. I'm such a sissy for liking music that's it. I HATE MUSIC I HATE IT WHY JUST WHY there all right about me..” he thought to himself he didn't know what else to do he was scared he knew everyone thought bad of him. He then brushed his eyes while more salty tears formed falling down like a waterfall, like when you splash water out your cup. -
--------------------------------------------------- - Jake just sat there thinking of skipping class? He didn't know he just wanted to run away from his problems but he wanted great grade's, he then huged his knees he heard creaking like foot steps walking twords him he was scared it was one of his bullys. He just closed his eyes. And screamed “GO AWAY.” -
- he then heard something. Someone not familiar to his bullys “WOW. chill dude..” he then looked up it was a magenta haired boy. Jake just stared at him with teary eyes the boy then walked up to him “you ok..?” Jake just looked down “are you... Are you gonna tease me.. or bully me? Hurt me?.” Jake stuttered in confusion “hm? What do you mean.. I would never! I don't even know you.” the magenta haired boy said “hey look.. I won't hurt you I swear. Don't cry. My name is drew what's your name?” Jake looked up to him the just cryed “m-my name is Jake.. and..” Jake was happy someone was actually being nice to him. It made him cry -
- cry even more. Drew just sat next to him “hey bud. Don't cry I'm sorry if you where bullied ” the magenta haired boy then grabbed his handkerchief and wiped his tears “see all better.” Jake just looked at him and wiped some tears. “thank you drew..” “your welcome jake, anytime!” Jake smiled softly.. a happy smile <3 a very nice one. Drew looked at him and smiled as well “i like your smile, You should smile more often Jake.” - --------------------------------------------------- - “you think so?” “i know so your smile looked better on you then you crying over some jerks.” Jake blushed lightly he thought “why is drew being so nice.. he gets me butterfly's when he says this.” Jake thought. He was happy.. “i am slight sad tho” drew said “what why!?” Jake was surprised he wanted to make drew feel better - --------------------------------------------------- - “well.. I don't have your number and I'm so hot. So~ you should give me it!” drew chuckled Jake just blushed like crazy “eh.. don't scare me like that! And sure” Jake smile was brighter then ever before Drew liked his smile. It was adorable Drew then got up then put his hand out so Jake can get up, Jake grabbed drew hand “t-thanks drew!.” Jake was nervous he said it low but drew could hear him. “mhm” drew responded “if you need any help or anything tell me also before we go, let's take a picture ” Jake nodded. then drew snapped a picture -
- drew then gave Jake his user so they can text him Jake gave drew his back And gave drew his number. Drew grabbed Jake's arm and went out the bathroom. “later Jake!” drew yelled running away “later!” Jake said in a calm voice he then walked away he walked past the teacher “jake your late.. what have you been doing in there?” “sorry Mrs F..” the teacher sighs “its ok.. just go inside the classroom everyone is there” Jake just walked in and sat down playing with his pencil. -
    (( Time skip to after school ))
- Jake walked in his house Jake's mom noticed him “hi sweetheart, how was your time at school?” the mom was giving Jake's brother Logan his bottle. “it was fine mom..” Jake said Jake was tired so he put his shoes off and hanged his bookbag Jake went upstairs his dog Oreo followed him, Jake just kept thinking about drew and how nice he was. Jake then tumbled on his bed immediately grabbing his phone from the coffee table. -
- Jake thought “drew texted me already?”

 ---------------------------------------------------- Jake thought “drew texted me already?”

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Jake thought of how nice drew was.. Jake felt happy instead like butterfly's flying in his stomach. He loved drew actually.. drew was his first friend. Jake then put his phone on the charger and shut his phone off “goodnight drew” he said, Jake's dog just went on his bed and fell asleep all wrapped up like a little cinnamon roll. Jake smiled a “i can't wait for tomorrow!” smile. Jake then drift off the sleep. -

┊₊˚⊹ ₊˚⊹ .  hope you enjoyed. I had fun making this which I think this is my point of view of how Jake met drew! Ask if I should make a part two this was fun, while it lasted Yes fluff </3 . ₊˚⊹. ₊˚⊹. ┊

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