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Summary: You are on a bounty for a guy that is super dangerous. He tries to attack you but luckily your husband,Leland is there to protect you.
Me and Leland walked into da Kine bale bonds and Leland headed over to his chair while I headed over to the couch.

"Ok everyone let's get started!" I heard Beth yell out to everyone.

Dog was finishing up his description about the fugitive. "He is very violent and will do just about anything to get out of going to jail so be careful." Dog finished. I couldn't lie,I loved when there were interesting chases like this but honestly very nervous most of the time. Leland and I were the most athletic and were almost always sent into places first and to chase someone so we got a lot of action.

We had all suited up and were heading to the cars. "Leland and y/n you two will ride with Beth because she'll pull up first and we need you both if we're too far behind." Dog stated as my stomach twisted and turned.

Leland,Beth,and I headed into the car.


We had been driving all day and we were about to rest for the night but Lisa saw another address on the paper so we started heading over there.

"5 minute warning." Beth said over the radio. I felt my breathe hitch and I suppose Leland noticed as well because he reached over and pulled my hand in his kissing it. "We'll be ok,y/n. I wouldn't let anything ever happen to you,you know that." He told me and I nodded.

"Okay love birds pull yourselves together because we're here." Beth told us looking back at us causing a chuckle from me and an eye roll from Leland with a smile.

"Y/n you go knock on the door." Dog told me causing my breathe to hitch even more. 'Why me?' I thought to myself. I pulled myself together and walked towards the house.

I knocked a good 3 times and nothing. "Come on I know you're in there Kyle! Open the door and come out!" I shouted. I heard footsteps approaching the door. Kyle was a taller buff guy so he gave me a look and reached his fist up about to punch me but a hand grabbed his before it reached my face. It was Leland.

Kyle and Leland started fighting and of course I knew that Leland is a good fighter but I was still worried. "Boys stop!" Dog yelled causing Leland to get off of the fugitive and cuffing him then putting him in the car.

Leland drove whilst Lisa and I sat in the backseat. Beth decided to ride with dog,the fugitive,and Dwayne lee. The car ride was silent,I could tell Leland was still angry and his adrenaline was through the roof.

We got to the jail and all of us got out of the car. It was Dwayne lee's bond so he took him in. While everyone was talking I pulled Leland aside to check him up. "You okay?" I questioned looking into his dark brown eyes. "Yeah." He responded with a sigh. "I thought he was going to punch me." I told him with a little laugh to cover up the worry in my voice. "I told you that I'll protect you baby." He said as he placed his hands on my hips. "I know it was just...scary." I retorted. "Anyways,I am so thankful that you were there." I told him. "Always will be my love,I couldn't last a single day without you." He told me as he looked a little sad thinking about loosing me. "I love you Leland Chapman." I told him. "I love you too y/n y/m/n Chapman." He leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips.

A/N:sorry I've been really MIA lately lol. I'll try to upload as much as possible but I'm working on a lot of books and don't really have any ideas so pls request lol!!! STAY HEALTHY!!! I LOVE YALL SM!!!💋

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