Book One: Chapter Two

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Danielle opened her eyes, rubbing them tiredly. She sat up in her bed and yawned, stretching her arms out as she did. Today marked her third week living in the bunker with her father, her uncle, the fluffy haired one known as Castiel and the mysterious blonde man. She’d only had one other encounter with him since her first night - a passing by in the hall. Dean had shoved the man along and wouldn’t let the man even look at her. Danielle thought it was best not to pry about this man.

As for Danielle personally? This was still quite the adjustment period. It’s one thing to up and abandon your life to become a hunter, perhaps. It was entirely another to find out your uncle wasn’t killed, meet your father, and discover a side of yourself that was long gone for nineteen years. The past few weeks had witnessed both Winchester brothers trying to get to know Danielle, almost introducing themselves in the process as they searched for common ground, as they searched for more than blood ties. 

Danielle couldn’t help but smile slightly as she pondered over the transitions. She swore her dad had quite literally been taking notes during late night talks because every morning, without fail, he’d wait for her to wake up and dress for the day before taking her out to pick up an iced coffee. After acquiring the coffee,Sam would drive them to a small park where they’d claim a swinging bench and talk. It was quite nice, she felt. How many could say their found father put in such effort to establish a routine? 

Now that we have established our glimpse of how we got here,this is where our story begins. This is where I leave you, dear Reader, to unravel what lies ahead…

The Road so Far has led us to the day it all began.

“Danielle,honey are you awake?” Danielle turned her head to the door while grabbing the nutmeg brown flannel off of the closet door knob. She slipped it on and began to fold the long sleeves into cuffs that came to rest above her elbows. “Yeah, I just need my shoes on,” she called. “You can come in,” she added, turning her attention to the opposite sleeve now. The bedroom door creaked open, Sam releasing the handle and leaning in the doorframe. This warmer weather meant he’d hung up his jeans and coats in exchange for comfortable sports t-shirts and cargo shirts. Danielle chuckled at the And1’s on Sam’s feet - Dean had called this Sam’s ‘Dad outfit’. She grabbed her own running shoes, tugging them onto her feet. “The usual today?,” Sam asked. “Mhm,” Danielle responded, adjusting the laces on her shoes before straightening up. “It’s pretty warm out today, sweetheart,” Sam said, eyes passing over her flannel. “Ah, the rain passed by?” “Yeah, looks like it.” “Alright, I’ll probably change into a tank top then and meet you at the car?” “Sounds good to me,” Sam said, leaning off the frame to step into her room, pressing a kiss to her forehead before leaving the room. “Hey dad?,” Danielle called as she slipped off the flannel, returning it to the closet door knob. “Yes?” “Is uncle Dean coming,too?” Sam sighed and hung his head slightly before turning to look over his shoulder. “I don’t think so, Dani,” he responded before heading out of the room to give her privacy. 

Danielle sighed, turning to her closet. She couldn’t help but smirk a bit at the amount of clothes hung up. Her dad and uncle had seen she only planned to hit the road with three changes of clothes and had promptly dragged her to the nearest outlet and mall to suit her up with jeans, flannels, boots - and sports gear,as Dean called it. Danielle had teased her uncle about the sweat pants, tank tops and running clothes akin to what her dad wore on his evening jogs, which Danielle joined him on. 

She grabbed a tank top from the closet and tossed it onto the bed before grasping the hem of her t-shirt and raising it over her head. Right as she did, Dean had darkened her doorway and promptly ran into the frame trying to turn his head. His hand covered his eyes while Dean swore profusely. “Shit, fuck, sorry kid. Could you at least shut the door if you’re going to be changing?,” he grumbled, fumbling to grasp for the door knob and perform the action himself. Danielle blinked - she’d barely had the shirt raised to expose midriff but shook her head, proceeding to remove the shirt and exchange it for a tank top over her blue jean shorts. Returning the shirt to the closet, Danielle then turned and cut off the bedside lamp and unplugged her small flip phone - another purchase Sam had made and insisted upon- to pocket it.

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