[Insert Clichéd Romance Title Here] (Author Collaboration)

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Authors' Note (yes, this is plural) : Hello People who are reading this! Yes, that mean you! Before you begin reading the story we would like to first say that we are sorry if we offend you in anyway what so ever. As you read, you may think that this is a hate story devoted to making fun of Romance. No, this is not the case. We are just trying to have a bit of fun with Cliched Romance. If this offends you in any way, we apologize in advance... so yeah. we don't plan on offending anyone, but just in case.  Also this ia a Collaboration which means that this story is written by a group of authors. Each chapter is a different author. Ok, let's move on...

Chapter1: Just Pretty (this chapter is written by TheNamelessWriter)

               “I love you, Penelope Louise Renwick,” Aaron North announced as he knelt down in front of Pen, his deep green eyes bright with happiness. He reached slowly in his pocket and revealed a small velvet box as blue as her eyes.  “Will you marry me?”  With a small click, the box opened, in it laid a dazzling diamond ring. It shimmered in the dimming light that the glorious sunset offered. The fading orange rays spilled over the sandy beach like a comforting blanket, encircling Pen in bright warmth that closely reminded her of Aaron’s soft tender kisses. 

               Blushing furiously, Pen smiled a bright smile. “Ye-” she began but abruptly halted mid-word. Marry… Pen thought to herself. Hmmm…. The supple wind that once brushed easily against her smooth flawless skin now whispered harshly, tossing her long brunette hair into a wild dance that poked at her eyes and face viciously. Pen’s long white silky dress flailed around her perfectly proportioned body, she made a small attempt to push the dress down when skirt rose to an unreasonable height. The sand around her bare feet began to rapidly thrash against her skin until it felt like bullets. The calm waves turned into thrashing forces. And through all of this, Aaron’s pure white smile only quivered a little bit.

               “Will you marry me?” He repeated, there was a bit of an edge in his voice as if he was absolutely insisting, or maybe he was commanding.

               “I-” She paused again.

               It now struck her that something is not right with this scene. Other than the harsh wind, the beach was clear of people and perfectly pristine. The waters were the so clear that Pen could see the small fish that shot around in small schools. But, it wasn’t the scene it’s self that really ticked her off. It was the people. Aaron’s sandy hair and tan skin, his eight pack and his clothes. He was the most handsome person that Pen has ever seen. Pen bit her bottom lip in thought as she realized that all the boys here looked like him, only different names and different hair colors. But no, she tried to convince herself that he was a different person with a different personality. To her dismay, she only found that Aaron was the same as the rest. He was the Jock who broken every girl’s heart except Pen’s, every boy was like that here except with a different girl…

               “No…” She said quietly.


               “I said,” Pen stepped back couple steps and firmly answered. “No. I will not marry you.”

               Aaron’s handsome face was smothered into an expression of shock and hurt as if Pen had physically slapped him. She could see that his perfect hands that at one point held her dearly now gripped the velvet box so hard that his hands grew a bright red. Aaron looked to the ground with his hands still in the same position to calm himself and when he looked up again, Pen had already ran over the dunes of the beach, leaving him there alone.

[Insert Clichéd Romance Title Here] (Author Collaboration)Where stories live. Discover now