After Mr.Camon visited his school and announced his announcement, he went walking around the town. He went to each different restaurants and places. While he was walking, he notices a group of young teenagers singing on the streets. He stopped and slowly came in front of the crowd to see.
"Found it..." Mr.Camon said to himself.
A girl with light brown hair was singing while a guy with black hair playing the guitar. Mr.Camon came and watched the whole song. When the song was finished and everybody left. He came to the girl and asked her name.
"It's Nelly," she answered in excitement, thinking that he will ask her to join his school.
"You have a very nice voice, come to the K. Dreams Art School's audition if you want," Mr.Camon smiled. Nelly got excited,"And what's his name?" Mr.Camon pointed at guitarist.
"It's Alexander! He's really good! He can sing too," Nelly complimented on him. Mr.Camon came closer to him. Alexander slowly moves his sight to Mr.Camon and stop packing up,
"Nice style playing the guitar," Mr.Camon said,"Join my Art school this Friday," he said then walks off.
"Why bother?" Alexander said out loud,"I thought your school is for people who wanted to join. I don't want to. I'm fine now,"
"You seems you enjoy when you play the guitar," Mr.Camon asked.
Alexander startled,"Y..Yeah!And this is my dream! My dream is for people listen to me playing the guitar with joys,"
Mr.Camon chuckled,"So you've succeed in fulfilling your dream. Why not make it bigger? Let more people listen to you. Show them what you got and live your dream with other friends who have the same dream as you," He said then went to a coffee shop near the place.
Alexander stared at him and thinks about what he said. Nelly came to Alexander and hugs his arm.
"What's wrong?" she asked then looked at Mr.Camon. She notices Nicole was coming so she called her.
"Hey! Who was that? Why were you guys talking about dreams? You were loud dude," Nicole came.
"Oh! He asked us to participate the audition for K. Dreams Art School,"Nelly said happily.
"Oh!!NICE!!" Nicole complimented.
"Hey minions!" A guy with his gangs came, calling Alexander,"Are you the group who keeps stealing our audiences and take our money?"
"We didn't take your money. We're just better than you," Alexander smirked at them.
"Yeah! Like in everything!" Nelly added.
"Oh yeah?" the guy smirked. He lifted up his hands and his gangs come closer to Alexander, Nelly, and Nicole,"Let's have a dance off. You guys always sings and playing instruments. Probably suck at dancing, right?"
Nicole came to the front and smiled, like she wanted to have the dance off,"Let's see!"
The guy's gangs start off first. Mr.Camon was drinking coffee inside the shop then notices them. He smiles when Nicole starts dancing.
"Interesting.." He said to himself. He was amazed at Nicole's dance moves.
"WWOOOOAHH!!" the crowd surround them cheered for Alexander's team. The guy just raged then left with his gangs.
Mr.Camon came outside and claps for them.
"Oh no...He's going to ask you to join his art school.." Alexander predicted.
He just laughs, "Would you like to?" he said to Nicole.
"Sure, why not?" Nicole takes it easy.
"Because it's kinda like he forced us to..?" Alexander said.
"Alexander..Chances and opportunities don't come much. And when you found one, of course you have to grab it fast or it's over,"Nicole opens her eyes wide and smiles, nods her head like a kid, "Beside..taking the audition won't hurt us or anything.."
"Well...make up your mind," Mr.Camon said, about to leaves,"See you this Friday,"
"So are you coming?"Nicole asked Alexander.
"I don't know..."
"GOOOOO!!!!!!! Nelly and I are going so...FOLLOW YOUR GIRLFRIEND'S STEPS AND GO WITH NELLY!!" Nicole got hype.
"What.." Alexander startled.
"I don't..know what I just said..but..I think what I said is go with Nelly..she's your" Nicole pauses each word.
"I'll see.."