Part 1: Traveling to Tokyo

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Point of view is a female thief with Lupin's group, Roleplay Scene for the entire course of the story: 



Some secret hideout in the middle of the woods, it's nighttime and you are wrapping Jigen's arm after he got shot today getting away from a couple other guys after them. Lupin remains in the living room with his treasured diamond with Fujiko. Goemon sits outside on the roof watching the stars and meditating.

Y/N: Don't take it off or loosen it alright? We don't want you to attract the bears while we're in the woods

Jigen: I won't I'm not that stupid you know

You look to the living room seeing Lupin write down the amount he would make off of the Diamond

Fujiko: It's such a beautiful thing, I wouldn't want to sell it!

Lupin the III: Selling this thing you'll be able to purchase a thousand more like it Fujicakes. Besides, there's more rare and beautiful diamonds in the world that are worth more than this as well. 

Fujiko: So why sell it?

Lupin the III: Because it'll get us a plane to Tokyo and a nice hotel for next week.  I've already got my eyes set on a new item.

You enter the room with Jigen to hear in on the conversation.

Y/N: What new item?

Lupin the III: Well my friend, there's a very old Japanese Temple that happens to hold an extremely valuable golden Samurai Sword.  In Tokyo, it was handcrafted by the late and great Masamune.  He was known as Japan's greatest swordsmith, the golden sword was wielded by many samurai's over the many centuries.  Although I must say, it's not as great as Goemon's Zantetsuken, but it is very close.

Jigen: A temple with a golden sword eh? Is it more than the diamond I retrieved while getting shot at?

Lupin the III: Yes, it's about 2 point five billion dollars

Y/N: So once we've sold this thing where are we going to be staying in Tokyo?

Fujiko: There's a big fancy hotel right near where that temple could be.  I heard it's Five stars

Jigen: I don't give a crap about luxury but as long as we got a plan to steal that sword

Lupin the III: I always have a plan don't you worry about it

Goemon enters the room in a stern manner~

Goemon: That sword is nothing but a myth, it's not real gold, it's fools gold in that temple you mentioned

Y/N: There's a fake?

Goemon: There is one fake and one real sword and if you retrieve the fools sword then you possibly get killed

Lupin the III: So...there's a trap you say?

Jigen: Well if it's not in the temple we think it's gonna be in, then where could the real one be?

Goemon:  You have to go into the fools temple to find the answer

Fujiko: Could the fake sword have the location of the real one?

Goemon nods his head.  Lupin the III thinks for a moment and then snaps his fingers~

Lupin the III: Alright I've got it, we'll go get the fools sword first that will be our main objective once we're in Tokyo. 

The next day the five of you were soon taking a private plane to Tokyo after selling the diamond. Jigen sat in his plane seat smoking and drinking bourbon whiskey from a glass.  Lupin sat next to Fujiko discussing the floor plan of the fools Japanese temple.  Goemon sat next to you near the plane window with his eyes closed meditating.

Y/N: *you look over to Goemon, he opens one eye at you and then you look away, he doesn't say anything to you*

Jigen: I wouldn't try bothering him, he generally likes to meditate a lot, runs in his family

Y/N: Yea I can tell

Jigen: You know why I always wear the same hat?

Y/N: why?

Jigen: It helps me when I shoot my magnum.  I always aim at the brim of my hat and toward whatever my target is

Y/N: Was that some kind of secret?

Jigen: Hah, Pretty much *he blows a drag of smoke*

Lupin the III: Shhhush! Fujiko is trying to sleep you two!

Fujiko: I would never sleep with you next to me without you trying to grab me you pig

Lupin the III: Damnit!

You later fall asleep on the plane and Goemon opens one eye again seeing your head against his shoulder. He chuckles and closes his eye again.

   Later feel the plane land in Tokyo, Japan and you wake up immediately. Scrambling to get your bags you then leave and get off the plane with the others.

Driving to the Hotel you sat in the backseat with Goemon and Fujiko, while Jigen drove the car with Lupin next to him in the passenger seat. 

Lupin the III: Once we're settled in this place we'll go to the temple by midnight and sneak through the back door, and drop in.

*suddenly you hear a loud man yelling through a handheld speaker from behind the car with wailing red and blue headlights, it was Inspector Zentigata*

Zentigata: LUPIN! I know you're in there with your buddies! PULL THE DAMN CAR OVER!

Lupin the III in the passenger seat: *sigh* Pops never stops chasin' me

Jigen hits the gas pedal and speeds up and takes a sharp turn, and now Zentigata was chasing all of you in the car.  Goemon climbs over you and out the window and on top of the moving car, unsheathing his sword.  Zentigata shoots at Goemon as he slices the bullets over and over in half.  He then leaps up in the air and slices Zentigata's car and leaps back onto Jigen's car and puts his sword back into it's casing. 

Zentigata's car is cut clean in half and he stumbles on the ground as the two halves of the car were demolished.  You and Lupin's gang gets away while Zentigata yells~










Scene ends


Lupin the Third Part 1- Jigen's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now