Seb-The talk

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I was still on his back he fell on his knees laughing harder this time. regie's laugh was so contagious that it made me laugh even more we fell to the ground laughing.Once we had calmed down I got up and helped regie up.Seb and oli came in to the kitchen so then we started to flirt in a cute way regie picked me up and said wanna go cuddle baby.Darren:yes
Regie:Ok baby let's go
Darren:baby my drink is still on the table
Regie:Ok we will get it bub's don't worry
Regie:but you want some snacks first like cookie's and marshmallows? because my baby over here has a giant sweet tooth
Darren:Yes 😊
Regie placed me on the counter and went in to the pantry to look for the cookies I sat there with my legs going back and forth because I was happy.then I saw seb looking at me he then said hey after umm you get done being busy can I talk to you in private...
Yeah sure I said Darrens mind *what if he says he doesn't like me what if he knows we are flirting just to get his attention*
Darren: YEAH what happened
Regie: Nothing there's no marshmallows babe
Darren:It's ok baby let's go upstairs ok
Regie:ok bub's
Regie was about to Carry me when seb said I want to talk to you now if it's possible.
Darren:Oh umm yeah sure
Regie took his hands of me and I got off the counter then seb grabbed my hand and took me outside.
Darren:So what do you want to talk about
Seb:oh yeah are you dating regie
Darren:umm why
Seb:I was just asking because you guys are calling each other names and stuff like that
Darren:Um yeah we are dating
Seb:Oh ok sorry I was just wondering
Darren: Yeah it's ok. I saw his hurt face when I told him that me and regie where dating
I was in the kitchen wondering if seb's stupid ass finally was going to confess it's been tow days already and I know he is jealous he just probably doesn't know that he is jealous (by the way this is regie's pov sorry I forgot to put it) my thoughts went away when I heard oli Oli:hey
Regie:hi what's up
Oli:nothing much I just wanted to talk to you about something
Regie:oh what is it 
Darren cut off oli because he was back From outside and I knew being clingy was a way to make both of the brothers jealous.
Regie:Hiiii baby I missed you
Darren:it was only 5 minutes
Regie:Yeah but I still missed you
Darren;ok let's go upstairs now
Regie:Ok let me pick you up baby form
Darren:I'm not a baby tho I think I can walk this time
Regie: Your my baby And I carry my baby *I screamed.*
Darren:oh ok sorry
Regie:you don't need to be sorry but you are my baby ok
Darren Ok.
Regie Carrie's Darren and they go upstairs.
MEANWHILE WITH OLI AND SEB (SEB'S POV ) Seb we need to talk I heard oli say.Um why what happened?It's Sirius and I want to know something but it has to be somewhere else not down here because everyone is in the living room.Ok let's go to my room I said we walked upstairs and went in to my room I locked the door because I didn't want anyone to come in while we were talking.I ask oli what happened and what we were talking about.
Oli:look you know how Darren and regie are acting like if there dating
Me:*clears throat* They are
Me: Yeah why
Oli:Can I tell you something
Me:ofc I'm your brother you can tell me anything
Oli:I need you to answer a question first.If I liked the same sex would you support me?
Me:Of course I would
Oli:ok because I really like regie
Oli:Is it bad
Me:NO can I tell you something
Oli:Of course
Me:I'm bi and I really like Darren and when I spoke to him I asked him if he was dating Regie and he said yeah I was really heart broken.*Tears were falling down my eyes*
Oli: Look it's ok come here it's fine we can both work it out with both of them ok but we have to take our time first.
We went downstairs and I saw Ryan leaning on Justin's shoulder and hugging him he was asleep though.i went and sat next to both of them Justin looked at me because I was looking at them.
Justin: what are you looking at?
Justin:why did you stutter are you ok?
Me: Yeah I'm are you guys a thing?
Justin:Uh... Why do you ask
Me: because you guys are always close to each other
Justin whispered in my ear and said yes we are so if you like Ryan I'm sorry he's mine and only mine.No I don't like him I was just wondering plus I like someone else.justin then says good because if you like my baby I would literally slap the shit out of you 🤣 I'm just kidding but still he's mine.ok ok dude I get it he's your's I don't like him.justin the says ok and turns back to his was already very late it was time to go to sleep I was tired.
I took Darren upstairs in my arms like a baby and when we got upstairs we entered my room I dropped him on the bed.
Me:Damn your so fucking heavy
Darren: oops 😂that's not my problem I told you I could walk this time
Me:OK FINE it was my fault
Darren: hahaha 🤣
Me: What did you and seb talk about
Darren:oh um he said if me and you were dating and I said yeah and then he said oh ok with a hurt face
Me: That's good that means he likes you
Darren: Really
Me: yeah ok I'm tired now here take these blankets and a pillow
Darren: WAIT I'm actually sleeping on the floor
Me:of course it will be so comfortable 😂 you'll like the floor
Darren:But I thought you were playing
Me:No I wasn't playing you sleep on the floor here take this blanket so you're back don't hurt that much
Darren:Ughhhh fine your so mean
Me:No I'm not let's go to sleep good night
Darren: Good night 🙄
I lock the door and turned off the lights and we both went to sleep....

I know I said I was going to post this last time but I didn't have time to finish it sorry 😂 I hope you enjoyed this part and have a great❤️ day I'll try to post the next part tomorrow or another day but this time I'm pretty sure tomorrow I can post the next part.

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