Meeting Ryuk

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My thoughts were jumbled. Nothing really made any sense till now. I was a shinigami but I looked human, Was I made to be here? Was I supposed to be in this shinigami realm or in the human world? Nothing made sense. But I was here in the shinigami realm, With my father, The Shinigami king. I was only 11 at the time and I have never seen a shinigami in my lifetime. I wondered what my life span looked like and...My name...What is my name? "Father, What's my name?" I calmly whispered, trying not to make him angry from his calming nap.

 "Your name...Will always be...C. Don't let anything or anyone change it" I nodded as I got back to my studying my drawings of pain. My father woke up and I could see in the corner of my eyes, were a....person? "Ryuk...Meet my daughter, Celia. She's a beauty, Isnt she?" I looked up and to my surprise, there was a tall scary monster, which I hid behind my father. "It's okay, C. He's not gonna hurt you" He then glared at Ryuk. "Not under my watch. YOU GOT THAT RYUK!" "How is she a human in the shinigami realm?" He questioned as he pointed at me with his extended finger. "If you hurt her i will!-" "Ok ok i got it. Just asking a question. I'll leave you be but cya later, Celia" He waved as I waved back with a tiny smile.

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