Porsche was full. The meal had been delicious and he couldn't eat any more. In front of him, Kinn was drinking his glass of wine while shooting him another burning glance. He was doing his best to remain composed but internally, Porsche was on fire. All through dinner, he had felt more and more vividly the feeling of the lingerie sliding over his skin, especially on his groin and his nipples. And it had been extremely difficult for him to refrain from getting hard. The heated stares Kinn had regularly thrown at him during the evening hadn't helped and he was pretty sure he was at least semi-erect now. He lifted his head and saw Kinn watching him once again with a flirty smile.
- Dessert?
- N-no. He cursed himself for not having been able to hold back his stuttering. How about you?
- It'll be fine. I would rather eat my dessert at home.The tone of his voice left no doubt about the kind of " dessert " he was referring to. Porsche fidgeted on his chair. He cursed Kinn and his ability to turn him on with just a few words.
- Stop making such naughty innuendos, Porsche grumbled.
- Why? You know you love it.Porsche refused to make any comment, instead getting up and heading for the exit while Kinn paid the bill. The fresh air outside helped him cool down a bit. He took long breaths, trying to let out the tension that had seized his body. He was really surprised at how nervous and excited he was. He could understand the "nervous" part. After all, in a short while, he was gonna stand in front of Kinn in sexy lingerie. But the "excited" part remained confusing to him. Was it the touch of the tissue on his skin? Or the fact that he was hiding such an outfit under his clothes while they were in public?
- Kinn!
Porsche was so immersed in his thoughts that he didn't hear the man arriving behind him and grabbing his butt. He spun around and hit Kinn on the chest.
- Pervert!
- Me? Who was half hard during the whole evening? Hmm?
- Sh-shut up!Porsche was sulking. Not because Kinn had pinched his ass; that part was rather pleasant, but because apparently he had become truly unable to hide anything from his lover. He had witnessed him getting hard throughout the dinner. In public. Kinn was right, maybe he was the obsessed one after all.
- Don't be mad, baby, Kinn cooed. I'm always half turned on too when you're around.
He winked at him and dropped a kiss on Porsche's cheek before leading him to the car. Porsche flopped down on the passenger seat and - bad idea. The car was definitely the worst part. He instantly felt the string of the thong rubbing against his anus and this time he couldn't repress a tiny whimper. Luckily for him, Kinn hadn't gotten into the car yet. He swallowed and tried to forget about the arousal that kept rising inside him. He only realized that he had closed his eyes when Kinn's voice resounded in the vehicle.
- Is everything all right?
He nodded vigorously, not quite sure that his voice would not betray him. Shockingly Kinn didn't press him and started the engine. They drove in silence for a few minutes but Porsche should have known that his luck wouldn't last forever. Before he could see it, he felt Kinn's hand on his thigh, caressing the area in small circles. He didn't say anything at first, finding the gesture soothing. But when he felt Kinn's fingers sliding further up, where his arousal was still slightly apparent, he gasped.
- K-Kinn!
- Hmm? the latter feigned innocence.
- You-you're driving!
- And? You think I can't do both?He accompanied his words by a firmer stroke on Porsche's inner thigh and the back of his hand brushed against his crotch in the process.

Love In Lace
RomansaKinn and Porsche would celebrate their one year relationship tonight. And while the first one had apparently found the perfect gift for him, Porsche was clueless as to what he could buy for his lover. He resigned to ask Tankhun for help. Anyway, it...