Chapter 4

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Mo Yuan

An alluring Goddess, beautiful as ever and makes my heart feel irregular rhythm and also the same Goddess who is to blind to see my heart, it's kind rare the way I found myself falling for her although Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen thought I had feelings for Qianqian, which was not the case.

After the war with the Mermaid Clan Shiqi had insisted she would stay in the Mountain to take care of me as I had told the Disciples to go back home, I didn't want them to see me hurt so I said they should take a vacation.

Only Shiqi refused to go but it was around the same time she met Ye Hua and there was bad blood between them, since Ye Hua had flat out refused to marry her claiming that she was too old for him and he would rather be hanged and die.

Sometimes I can't believe he is my twin, I had suggested to him that he should have a Mortal Trial with her and if he doesn't fall in love with her then nobody would force him to marry him and I told Shiqi to give him a chance, not trusting anyone she brought XiaoJiu with her to look after me.

I thought it was too much of a hassle as XiaoJiu was really young at the time but she begged me not to chase her away she wanted to look after me, she was always cheerful and lively and treated the Mountain like it was her home, she would wake up in the early hours of the morning to pray and she would go feed my cranes unlike Shiqi who was afraid of them.

Then she would prepare breakfast for me a whole lot of it and she would expect to finish it and the most mortifying experience for me as a man, is when she offered to give me a bath. I had flat out refused and then she told me, she grew up in a house with males so what is there to be mortified about.

I had told her that she can only wash my face until my abdomen as for the rest I will do myself and she still wanted to argue, so I told her that I would tell Bai Zhen to come and get her, when she saw the scars in my body she was crying. "Why are you crying so much." I had asked her, and her innocent were staring at me. "You shouldn't live like this, it's not fair." she had murmured softly.

She touched my scars and I winced. "Why would you choose to be the God of War, Is it really worth life?" she had softly. "Fengjiu my life isn't worth anything, sacrifices need to be made so that the world could have order." she shook her head. "Yes a sacrifice can be made but you can never retire from this, don't you want to fall in love? Have a wife and maybe a child?" she asked softly as she sobbed quietly. "Only freedom would allow you to dream of such things and freedom is one thing I don't have." she carried on washing me and then she excused herself so I could bathe myself .

When she returned she was carrying a book. "Will you allow to come back to the Mountain when you are better?" She looked into my eyes. "What?" I asked softly. "If you allow me then I want to come back, I want to keep you company." she smiled at me. "I know that you are always busy but I don't want you to be alone, beside Aunt won't be around for awhile you need someone to keep you on your toes." she giggled cutely.

I thought that she was joking but after I had gotten better she returned and she stayed in the Mountain causing mischief and disturbing my lessons, and not forgetting when she was drunk she let my cranes loose and she slept in their home, she was so drunk that night I was worried that she would get alcohol poisoning.

When she looked at me with her dark beautiful eyes, my heart felt rattled and I felt like I was drowning, so many times I have wanted to kiss her lips but I had to control myself.

I had actually told about how I felt but she didn't remember.

I was sitting in the Mountain all alone, my disciples were out doing their daily work when I felt the wand entrance break and I knew that it was XiaoJiu, she was walking slowly and she looked like she was lost in thought.

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