2 years later ❤️

196 1 0

Addison's Pov

I get up and roll over to Bryce in my bed not remembering anything that happened the night before

* Addison screams *
* Bryce wakes up *

Bryce : what the fuck

Addison : why am I here

Bryce : idk wtf

* Bryce gets up and puts his clothes on

Addison : if my boyfriend ever finds out about this ...

Bryce: you act like I don't have a girlfriend Addison

Addison : I'm just saying ..

Bryce : listen ..

Addison : nobody can know about this ik

* I get up and put my clothes on and go downstairs with Bryce *

* Josh , Jaden, Nessa and Mads are sitting on the couch *

Bryce : dude wtf happend last night

Jaden : we all got waisted , and woke up in the bed with our exes

Bryce : listen well Addison u gotta leave before -

Riley : before what Bryce?

Addison : look at what the cat dragged inn

Riley : bitch don't start

*Addison gets closer to Rileys face *

Addison : bitch ?

* Bryce steps in between them *

Bryce : Alrightttt , Addison I think it's time for you to leave

Addison : mhm bye

Riley : bye bitch

* Addison leaves *

Riley : so you wanna tell me what the fuck she was doing here Bryce?

Bryce : listen.. I blacked out

Riley: that's all I needed to here

* Riley leaves *

207 words

Imm backkkk 🥲

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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