Heart's Crag

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You pull the hood of your snow coat over your head with a shiver and treaded forward. All you could hear was the crunching of snow beneath your boots and the occasional shriek of a braviary up above.

The Alabaster Icelands
It wasn't your favorite part of Hisui , you didn't like the cold and how your fingers would go numb, or how it'd make your nose red. It still blew your mind that Irida and the Pearl Clan called this winter waste-land 'home'

Regardless you'd been hearing rumors of a mysterious pink Aipom wandering in Heart's Crag and the Professor begged you to investigate. (With the promise of many bowls of potato mochi- on him of course.)
Thus, you carried on. Catching some Snorunt and battling various Mamoswine and Glalie that got in your way.
You were unfortunately running low on supplies as you used your last revive and potion. Many of your pokemon had fainted and you mentally kick yourself for coming so unprepared.

Though it'd be a waste to turn back now, you were already here.
You began to scout out the area, searching high and low. Finally, you spotted the Aipom and sure enough it was pink!
You hid in some grass and took a deep breath and threw your ultra ball at its back with a loud pop.
Fireworks shot from the top and you couldn't help but do a dance as you retrieved the ball.

Suddenly, you feel a hand on your shoulder and you turn around startled and wide eyed. Who you saw made your heart drop into your stomach and your blood run colder than ice you stood on.


You blinked, unsure if it was really him

He was in his old Ginkgo Guild Uniform and hat but his backpack that you used to think was glued to his body was no where to be seen. He looked a bit disheveled and malnourished.

You flash back to your battle on The Temple of Sinnoh. Your eyes narrowed into a glare and he releases his grip on you and flings both of his hands up into a surrendering pose, though he maintained his smug grin and a glare that matched yours.

"Hm even after all this time you still use my back strike technique.."

"Yeah well I learned from the best back stabber in Hisui. What do you want Volo?" You spat.

"I mean no harm, y/n. My pokemon, they're hurt. I need revives and potions."

You looked at him bewildered

"And why do you think i would help you?"

"Because they had nothing to do with my plans-"

He sighed

"-and you're too good of a person to leave us to perish, its why you're Arceus' chosen one."

He spoke with a mix of desperation and bitterness.

You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose with your frozen fingers in frustration.

He was right you wouldn't leave him to die.

"Fine. Fine. But i don't have any right now, just stay here and I'll buy some at the Icepeak Camp and come back."

He looks at you untrusting. "How do i know you won't just alert the guards and have me killed?"

You roll your eyes "You dont."

You started walking north preparing to call upon Braviary with your flute when you're flung suddenly on your back. An Alpha Gardevoir you hadn't noticed before screeches, its cry echos in your ears and you're caught off guard when the Gardevoir shoots a ball of psychic energy directly at the both of you.

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